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Comparing in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+1Posted:2017-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: comparisonby comparisonin comparison withsparingunsparingpreparingsparinglyhearing-impairedMeaning: [kəm'peə]  n. examining resemblances or differences. 
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181. On the basis of analyzing and comparing existing methods, it presents a motion feature extraction method which is based on movement object in video.
182. By comparing different synergists, we found that the synergism of multi-function synergist 940 was superior to that of imported piperonyl butoxide.
183. Nutrition ingredient was analysised in Solanum nigrum fruit. Basic on the analyse of miner and Vitamin, other ingredient was studied. A comparing study was carried out with normal fruit and vegetable.
184. They were comparing notes on each other's progress towards solving that most taxing of all puzzles: the riddle of the human genome.
185. Comparing the helmet to a seat belt in a car, Swart says, "When you do have that crash, you had better have it on."
186. By comparing the differences of path choice behavior between URT and urban traffic, the major qualitative and quantitative factors influencing the path choice are proposed.
187. With wax photograph comparing, brilliant bright glair is having his clear advantage.
188. The author has described several key techniques for improving the capacity of CDMA digital celullar system, comparing to the spectral efficiency of FDMA and TDMA cellular system.
189. Each of corse has its own units and buildings, with and brand new comparing mission.
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190. Comparing with the mathematical traditional calculous method, it is easier to understand and mastered without any complex mathematical operation and advanced mathematical knowledge.
191. To provide greater accuracy in comparing fuels, energy content is measured in terms of "British Thermal Units (BTU's)."
192. Comparing the fitted expression with the established theory expression of the angular velocity, the equivalent viscous damping coefficient is gained.
193. So you're going to have to forgive us for comparing them to Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.
194. A different measure of capital adequacy, comparing total equity with total assets, suggests China's banks are rather less secure.
195. The author of this essay analyzes the potential barrier structure of diode comparing with several kinds of potential barrier structure, and perfer the optimum one after abundant experiment.
196. By comparing theoretical results with those calculated by numerical evaluation formula, suitable range of numerical evaluation formula is present.
197. The simulation results demonstrate that comparing with separating D with optimal routing scheme corresponding to one TM , TSSA can divide D into less subsets.
198. And comparing the performance between the spray - type air cooler and coil air cooler.
199. She found herself comparing Miles with Carlos ,( her absentee husband.
200. By the comparing and analysis the recognition, measurement, subsequent measurement of goodwill and the rules of accounting for negative goodwill in the IASB, USA, UK and other countries.
201. Using the method of literal data, this paper analyzed two main evaluation methods for curative effect which is commonly used comparing with self random comparison design and Ritalin curative effect.
202. The primary outcome was weighted mean difference (WMD) for CIMT comparing HIV positive versus negative patients.
203. By comparing the average transient power supply currents, we could distinguish a fault circuit from a fault free circuit.
204. The algorithm has approximately computational complexity comparing with the back propagation fellow used in the general feedforward three layered LBF networks.
205. Comparing the retention and drainage property of modified bentonite and imported bentonite.
206. "In addition the dividend is higher," Soeraunet said, comparing the payout on preferred shares and ordinary stock.
207. By comparing with each other in the enzyme recovery, optimal reaction conditions, yields of GOS and mechanical strength of the carriers, the gelatin was selected as better carrier for immobilization.
208. Analyzing working principle of many sensors and comparing them each other, we choose laser range finder as main sensor.
209. Comparing with other sorting algorithms, the 2-way merge algorithm is the best one to sort two sorted sublists.
210. Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects.
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