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Communications in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: telecommunicationscommunicationtelecommunicationcommunicativecommunicateexcommunicatecommunicate withintercommunicateMeaning: [kə‚mjuːnɪ'keɪʃn]  n. the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television etc.). 
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121. Dialogic describes this as a comprehensive multilayered open architecture for building distributed communications systems from multiple technologies.
122. Not only was Buckinghamshire small, its inadequate internal communications served to check the evolution of a true county town.
123. His job as a government lobbyist for the Federal Communications Commission depends on nonstop chatter.
124. The communications and information revolution has permitted progressively greater central control over their financial affairs.
125. That sort of mistake was almost inconceivable, in an age of mass communications.
126. They are an asset we can safeguard through open,[] honest communications.
127. Those who say conventions have lost their meaning in this era of presidential primaries and mass media communications miss one thing.
128. If a Federal Communications Commission deadline stands, the changeover from analog to digital television will be complete by 2006.
129. What has arisen from this activity is a clear market for data communications networks.
130. Riots were increasing over the capital, and communications had been broken with the other two major cities of Nicaea.
131. The motion and a related lawsuit alleged that Globe Communications Corp. published pictures that were obtained illegally.
132. Video teleconferencing seemed the obvious answer to span the communications gap.
133. It is a simple program, sort of the amoeba of communications packages.
134. A 250-foot communications tower becomes a symbol of environmental decay as well asa cancer-causing blight on society.
135. Transport and communications received the largest allocation, 23.8 percent of the proposed budget, followed by agriculture with 18.5 percent.
136. She said that not only are men more aggressive sexually online, they are more aggressive in all their communications.
137. Enviroscope specialises in scoping environmental impact assessments and environmental audits and assisting companies with environmental communications and policy.
138. Although unusual for an executive and a union official[], that was essential to their desire for open communications.
139. The few communications which do receive full attention normally achieve this through a combination of chance, inside information and relentless harrassment.
140. Yesterday, Apple owned up to an apparent breakdown in communications.
141. They needed an internal phone system that ensured fast and reliable communications between their commodity traders across the world.
142. He chose words from a special communications program and fashioned them into sentences.
143. Former adman Soden says he intends to return to marketing communications.
144. It is, according to the Torstar 1983 business profile: a broadly based information and entertainment communications company.
145. For systems-oriented software such as data communications and systems-management products, the company has made the systems-based approach to pricing more flexible.
146. This included new forms of magnetic tapes, each of which could hold hundreds of intercepted microwave communications channels.
147. It is an analysis of the actual communications practices in the global system in terms of traffic.
148. Although these communications are not legally binding, they do give member states strong guidance on legal and taxation issues.
149. Thus, no communications medium should be required to operate under standards and obligations imposed for decades on broadcasting by the government.
150. He returned to the White House to serve Reagan, one of his heroes, as communications director in 1985.
More similar words: telecommunicationscommunicationtelecommunicationcommunicativecommunicateexcommunicatecommunicate withintercommunicateincommunicadofornicationunificationreunificationammunitionmunitionscommunitycommunismcommunist partycommunity servicecommunist economyeuropean communityratificationgratificationcommunist manifestostratificationunited nationsself-gratificationabdicationmedicationdedicationindication
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