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Chlorine in a sentence

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Sentence count:284+6Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chloroplastchlorophyllimploringtailoringexploringimploringlyfloridfloristMeaning: ['klɔːriːn]  n. a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating toxic gas; used to purify water and as a bleaching agent and disinfectant; occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water). 
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151. As one of the main products of chlorine alkali industry, sodium hydroxide is of exceedingly significance.
152. There is gap corrosion between mainstream tube and branch tube, due to oxygen concentration-difference cell and self-catalysis of chlorine ions, which accelerates corrosion.
153. The application of chlorine dioxide in disinfection, bleach , sterilization etc. has yet been elucidated.
154. The biochemical tests showed hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis, increase of urine potassium and urine chlorine in all patients.
155. Experiments show the roasting process can be used for dechlorination of chlorine contained zinc dross.
156. PESA has good synergism with chlorine and other Water Treatment Chemicals.
157. Isotopes of aluminum, beryllium, carbon ( carbon-14 ), chlorine, iodine and neon, are also formed through cosmic ray spallation.
158. The containing chlorine polysilanes were synthesized by chloromethylation reaction of polysilanes with Ph.
159. Potassium and magnesium increased, sodium and chlorine decreased in abomasal fluid, acetic, propionic, butyric and VFA increased in abomasal fluid.
160. The new process of recycle anodynon in tail gas of chlorine oil production with solvent low temperature absorption method was researched.
161. The yield was higher using bromine The yield was higher using bromine than chlorine.
162. Dichloro - dimethyl hydantoin is white powder or granules containing 64 . 45 % avail able chlorine.
163. This offers a practical e example that chlorine ion caused stress corrosion cracking of brass.
164. The different effects of nitro and chlorine substituent groups on the phenols degradation were also discussed in this paper.
165. The low concentration of chlorine dioxide in water can be determined by spectrophotometry based on the chlorine dioxide can decolor and oxidize xylenol orange and chlorophenol red.
166. Solid chlorine dioxide releaser was expanding the applications of chlorine dioxide.
167. Stabilized chlorine dioxide a new kind of disinfectant and has a wide range of developing prospect.
168. ZnKDCC was produced by cyanuric acid, caustic soda, chlorine gas, zinc ion and potassium ion.
169. According to the calculation of heat exchange and heat exchange area, and low-order heat energy of recovery of wet chlorine gas or dechlorination dilute brine with heating filter brine was feasible.
170. They includes improving drying agent feeding pattern and chlorine gas washing pattern, increasing two step in series demister, et al.
171. There is, however, a wide variation in the resistance of enteric viruses to chlorine.
172. Ambient conditions that include toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, nitrous acid, chlorine, bromine, methyl bromide, ammonium, etc.
173. The Compound Disinfectant of Chlorinated Trisodium Phosphate contains adjuvants phosphorus pentoxide and surfactant. It is white powder containing 3.44% available chlorine.
174. It has a low density and is a strong, shiny, corrosion-resistant to chlorine, sea water and aqua regia, and a transition metal with a silver color.
175. Damage from ammonia and chlorine usually coincides with an inadvertent massive release to the atmosphere.
176. The acute biological toxicity of residual chlorine and five organic chlorides against normal backflow activated sludge in a CHLOR-ALKALI factory was examined.
177. Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks.
178. This article has described the impact of Chlorine upon the system of Zinc hydrometallurgical extraction, and also presented Chorine removal by Copper cake purification.
179. In such conditions the ice crystals of the cloud provide a suitable surface for conversion of unreactive chlorine compounds into reactive chlorine compounds which can deplete ozone easily.
180. It is found that the system has low chlorine evolution potential and polarizability, but undesirable fortified life.
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