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Chalk in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+17Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Methedrinechicken feedcrankdeoxyephedrineglassicemethmethamphetaminemethamphetamine hydrochlorideshabutrashSimilar words: catch-allchallengenonchalantchallengednonchalancepatriarchaltalkwalkMeaning: [tʃɔːk]  n. 1. a soft whitish calcite 2. a pure flat white with little reflectance 3. an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant 4. a piece of calcite or a similar substance, usually in the shape of a crayon, that is used to write or draw on blackboards or other flat surfaces. v. write, draw, or trace with chalk. 
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121. This studied the economics of reducing groundwater pollution in ten catchments overlying chalk, sand or limestone aquifers.
122. Chemically, chalk is largely calcium carbonate, he argues, and so should yield carbon dioxide if immersed in an acid.
123. We must stop calling this the closest election of modern times, because it wasn't-not by a long chalk.
124. Occasionally, some pregnant women want to eat non-food substances; baking soda, coffee grounds, even coal or chalk.
125. A long chalk, also, it would appear from their aunt, Rosette Fournier.
126. An interesting insight into her approach is provided by a chalk drawing on blue hand-made paper dating from 1919.
127. A chalk outline of the victim's body was still visible on the sidewalk.
128. Preparations based on kaolin and chalk are still marketed, for the treatment of diarrhoea.
129. So who had the chalk outline around their corpse on Tuesday night?
130. So I continued south, making my way along the great chalk road which snaked across the Downs to Dover.
131. He hadn't been back, Mrs Chalk assured her, as she prepared to serve a light cheese and fruit supper.
132. They use it to fashion the coccoliths shown here, their armoured skeletons made of chalk or calcium carbonate plates.
133. The occultist, Dion Fortune, wrote that the best place to wake the old gods is on chalk.
134. He could smell the harsh carbolic soap of the orphanage, then the schoolroom with its dust and chalk.
135. Pushing my bike up those long hills and dry valleys gave me an intimate understanding of the nature of the chalk landscape.
136. This is the flat leaf of powdery chalk, the cuttle bone, that is often washed up on the seashore.
137. The day's problems squealed on the blackboard, the chalk snapped.
138. However, early on, as he introduced the superposition principle, Dirac would break in half a piece of chalk.
139. This larva eventually settles down on a rock, usually chalk or limestone, and grows the two valves of its shell.
140. Plastered to tiny projections on the chalk face, the majority survive howling gales and tempestuous spray-lashings.
141. I was a bigger rogue then than I am now but Benjamin was as different as chalk from cheese.
142. In southern Britain there are many such sudden changes mainly between clay lowlands and escarpments of chalk or oolitic limestone.
143. It makes a fertile soil for crops since here it is a mixture of clay and small particles of chalk.
144. I stood at the edge of the old chalk quarry, with a sheer drop of ten or twenty metres below me.
145. Over centuries the landscape changed to open chalk downland.
146. They will chalk up your good points.
147. Another of my faults. Chalk it up.
148. Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk.
149. Just chalk it up and I'll pay next month.
150. Please chalk it up and I'll pay next month.
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