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Chalk in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+17Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Methedrinechicken feedcrankdeoxyephedrineglassicemethmethamphetaminemethamphetamine hydrochlorideshabutrashSimilar words: catch-allchallengenonchalantchallengednonchalancepatriarchaltalkwalkMeaning: [tʃɔːk]  n. 1. a soft whitish calcite 2. a pure flat white with little reflectance 3. an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant 4. a piece of calcite or a similar substance, usually in the shape of a crayon, that is used to write or draw on blackboards or other flat surfaces. v. write, draw, or trace with chalk. 
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91. Shadows merge into the snow; the woodcut turns into a shadowy chalk drawing.
92. If no-one answered soon he would have to chalk it up as a wasted trip, and Montgomery would not be amused.
93. The teacher rubbed against the blackboard, getting chalk all over his back.
94. Neither formation provides ledges of any size or permanence, although small auk populations once nested on the chalk cliffs.
95. In the area too is the Noar Hill nature reserve, on land where chalk was once dug.
96. These two specimens are beautifully preserved, extracted from a matrix of white chalk, which gives them their colour.
97. Some 230 starters contested the race which followed an undulating course over chalk, sand and mud from Whitley.
98. There were the eternal school smells of chalk dust, wax crayons, cedar shavings, damp wool, and warm children.
99. Back home, he melted them down and added ground - up coloured chalk - if available - to make crayons.
100. The teacher's demonstration might be countered by the retort that other things besides chalk leave white traces on a blackboard.
101. Respect established climbing traditions in ethical matters such as the use of chalk, pitons, bolts etc.
102. Bats flittered about him; their warning squeaks sounded like chalk on a blackboard.
103. Many of these routes would get a lower E grade if Friends, nuts and chalk were used.
104. All she did know was that she hadn't seen the last of him by a long chalk!
105. We were preparing television programmes on laboratory work when most teachers counted themselves lucky if there was any chalk available.
106. Its floor is covered with a fine layer of chalk dust from the calloused palms of legions of lifters.
107. Next to the thin chalk downs in Wiltshire lies the Vale of Pewsey with its superb deep greensand.
108. Now those slight differences of electrical potential had disappeared, like the chalk dust at the end of the lesson.
109. It is too easy just to chalk this struggle up to bureaucratic bungling.
110. Small wonder then that yesterday's new dawn was greeted with scepticism at the chalk face.
111. For those who have used soft chalk pastels and know their way around the tints I would advise loose pastels.
112. So I met this guy called Donahue. White like a chalk.
112. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
113. Seven and a half mile route. 5 Wildflower walk on the chalk grassland of the Downs.
114. It was built with local greenstone, flint and chalk, by the monks from Wilmington Priory.
115. She had no money for even a blackboard and chalk, or for the slates used commonly by village children.
116. Mark the position of the scallops with chalk on the interfacing, using the template.
117. Occasional codling from the Broadstairs chalk ledges of stone and Dumpton Gap to peeler crab at night.
118. After all, lose some bait and you can chalk it up to the charter rate.
119. He looked down at his fingers and noted the chalk dust on their tips.
120. This twin thing ... you are separate people, different as chalk and cheese.
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