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1 Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc.
2 The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March.
3 The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower.
4 The best pupil in the class, i.e. Peter,[www.Sentencedict.com] won the prize.
5 The film is only open to adults, i.e. people over 18.
6 He feels that life is passing him by,i.e.,that he is not profiting from or enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life.
7 He possesses one form of statutory control, i.e. unreasonableness.
8 The Commission proposes a margin scheme, i.e.
9 The possibility of malicious damage should be considered, i.e. computer hacking and viruses.
10 This gave married women independent status as taxpayers, i.e. they could control their own tax affairs.
11 Their primary goal is managerial power, i.e. the opportunity to influence, control and reward the behaviour of subordinates.
12 There was no mention of Nigel's final destination, i.e. the compost heap.
13 Breadth-first search is admissible, i.e. guaranteed to find the highest scoring path through the graph.
14 The usual mixture suitable for most aquatic plants, i.e. clay or sand and peat will be most suitable.
15 And they are shunned by gentile - i.e., Pauline - Christians.
16 There are two particular exceptions to this rule, i.e. where the signer will not be bound by his signature.
17 Thus government, i.e. local government(sentencedict.com), has strategic responsibility over its administrative area for the provision of sporting opportunities.
18 Discussion should take place regarding the learning methods, i.e. practical work, discussions, role play, tutorials and individual study.
19 Dinners - select one from each section, i.e. a starter, main course and dessert.
20 The opportunity cost will be the higher of the two options i.e. £5,000.
21 A typical microcomputer will have 48K or 64K of memory i.e. 48 or 64 Kilobytes or 48,000 bytes.
22 Secondly, banks must maintain an adequate degree of liquidity, i.e. cash, to meet customers' cash withdrawals.
23 Only if its many controls fail will the ultimate sanction, i.e. revocation of the disposal licence, be invoked.
24 Studies of vertical filtering of information have found four frequently used methods for improving one's chances of success, i.e. promotion.
25 The width of the comfort zone can then be taken as 4 degrees, i.e., from-2 to.
26 This would accord with the general understanding of the word objective, i.e. independent of the observer.
27 These are believed to come from beyond the Solar system, i.e. from interstellar space, the space between the stars.
28 Typical applications are found in companies with several medium-sized projects, i.e. ranging from one half to five man-years.
29 If marginal costs are non-constant then no equilibrium price exists unless outputs are non-homogeneous, i.e. there is product differentiation.
30 In theory, all these tasks could be done by conventional methods, i.e. paste-up, longhand correction, etc.