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Cbr in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2018-10-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: disc brakegarlic breadchronic bronchitisMeaning: n. (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvin. 
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31. Return of the aether The quantum photon particles of the CBR pervade these macroscopic and submicroscopic realms.
32. To solve the problems of principle scheme design for micro-component, the strategy of combining design catalog and Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) was proposed.
33. A design tool is developed for rapid paver product development on CBR.
34. Case - Based Reasoning ( CBR ) is an intelligent method developed in recent years.
35. Then, the CBR theory has been leading the city emergency system in trial, which mako the case scheme produced automatically.
36. By using CBR technology, ICAD can support different stages of design process.
37. The performance deficiency of single process solution was made up by synergetic reasoning mode with CBR and RBR. This reasoning mode was successfully applied in WCAPP.
38. Its basic component is a terminal-to-terminal connected communicating network, which use Asynchronous Transfer Model (ATM) and can realize constant bit rat (CBR) and variable bit rat (VBR).
39. The grain structure of different loess types, diffluent salt gypsum, gypsum content and carbonate of lime content, are the influencing factors of CBR value of loess filler.
40. Transmitting compressed variable bit rate video with traditional constant bit rate (CBR) service for continuous playback requires a large buffer at the viewer's side.
41. Case - based Reasoning ( CBR ) is an analogous reasoning technique widely used in artificial intelligence.
42. The advantages of CBR are summed up,( ) and the operating process and the fault mechanism of condensing equipment are analyzed.
43. The influence of chlorobutadiene rubber(CBR) proportion on the physical properties, aging properties and flame retardance of CBR/CR, NBR or CPE blends was investigated.
44. The mechanism was based on CBR and combined Fuzzy set theory and SCBR ( secondary - CBR ) together.
45. In this article we describe a method of build a CBR tourist AI system.
46. Conclusion The use of FCA in the CBR can improve the retrieval speed and results' accuracy.
47. How to apply CBR method to establishing plate rolling regulations was described, end a new method using BP nerve net algorithm to predict rolling pressure end to regulate case wee put forward.
48. In second chapter, essential theory and core technique about CBR system has been introduced.
49. There a significant difference in CBR the two groups ( P 0.05 ).
50. This case - based reasoning ( CBR ) system for power system restoration has a hierarchical structure.
More similar words: disc brakegarlic breadchronic bronchitis
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