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Banned in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+23Posted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bannermannedunmannedcanned goodsannexbannscanneryannealMeaning: [bæn]  adj. forbidden by law. 
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151 Mr Jira was accused by the management of breaking company rules by taking the banned footage of iTV to Channel 11.
152 Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are banned and soil fertility and pest control is achieved through crop rotation and mixed farming systems.
153 By law, political parties could be banned only by a court decision, which had not been received.
154 He was sentenced to 6 months in imprisonment and banned for life from keeping cats.
155 A worldwide agreement reached more than 10 years ago banned the long-lived chemicals responsible for ozone destruction.
156 Husayn suspended the constitution, declared martial law, banned all political parties and arrested hundreds of politicians.
157 The drug was banned more than 20 years later when the adults who were exposed in utero developed vaginal and testicular cancers.
158 It also banned the practice of transporting pepper-sprayed suspects in a prone position, saying the practice could contribute to suffocation.
159 She was banned from politics between 1964 and 1981, and spent 10 of these years under house arrest.
160 The Legislature banned lion hunting in 1972, and voters afforded special protection with an initiative approved in 1990.
161 There are no animal rights or environmental activists on the banned list.
162 In addition there are a number of banned opposition parties operating either underground or in exile.
163 This drug is banned under the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act.
164 In a separate directive, the government banned the broadcasting of rebel propaganda, comments, and interviews.
165 Its use has been banned in six countries and restricted in 19.
166 And thousands of his disciples, the seminarians who read his banned books, do so clandestinely.
167 But Mars say it's unfair that Walls have banned other products from their freezers.
168 The same applied to traditional football except that in this case legislation merely banned the game from the public highway.
169 In the 1950s, Paisley and Norman Porter led banned parades.
170 Read in studio Oxford University has been banned from fielding one of its best-ever basketball players ... because she's a woman.
171 His father, Earl Bathurst, was banned from driving after a drink-drive conviction 4 years ago.
172 Marchers gathered in defiance of a government order that banned May Day celebrations and protests.
173 Even in pedestrian areas where cars are banned, the rumble and the smell are everywhere.
174 Since then, Fidelity has banned its fund managers from making any comments about stocks.
175 Only those convicted of criminal offences and President Ibrahim Babangida himself remain banned from standing in the elections.
176 Many jurisdictions have required nonsmoking areas in restaurants or banned smoking in public buildings.
177 This year, the state Legislature spent months debating a bill that would have banned the teaching of evolution as fact.
178 More and more states were adopting laws which banned the sale of alcohol.
179 The drug has been banned in Great Britain since 1992.
180 Cheesemakers have already stopped using traditional dyes like carrot or beetroot juice because they've been banned.
More similar words: bannermannedunmannedcanned goodsannexbannscanneryannealannexemannerchannelmannersplannerstunnedmannequinabandonedannexationgood mannerswell-manneredBetter late than neverin a manner of speakingbanbandcannotcannycannoninnertonnebanebank
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