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Unmanned in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mannedunmanageablemannercanned goodsmannequingood mannerswell-manneredin a manner of speakingMeaning: adj. lacking a crew. 
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1 Unmanned post offices meant millions of letters went unsorted.
2 Unmanned by grief he broke down and wept.
3 Scientists say these unmanned flights can make important and exciting discoveries.
4 The news of his friend's death unmanned him and he wept.
5 Spacecraft and rocket upper stages for unmanned missions to the Moon, Mars, and Venus were all initiated.
6 But if we are using the reactor on unmanned missions only, the mass of shielding required may be very small.
7 Unmanned probes were being sent to study the lunar surface to prepare for Apollo to follow.
8 The Nova will have unmanned launches next year followed by a manned mission, which Bennett himself wants to pilot.
9 I confess without shame I was unmanned - choked with dust and tears both.
10 Unmanned, they float about like driftwood, secure in the knowledge that they've already lost.
11 Her answer almost unmanned me.
12 A small UAV unmanned air vehicle for intelligence reconnaissance.
13 Robot technology is an important technology for unmanned vehicle.
14 I was unmanned by the death of my father.
15 The fare from the last unmanned station is probably less than a pound.
16 A small UAV (unmanned air vehicle) for intelligence reconnaissance. The UAV's flight and activities are directed from the ground by a mission control center that serves, in effect(, as its pilot.
17 An unmanned Russian supply ship has now docked securely with the International Space Station following an earlier unsuccessful attempt.
18 The US Navy released a new version of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles ( UUV ) Master Plan recently.
19 A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station.
20 That is precisely the capability that was demonstrated by the unmanned Zond missions of 1968.
21 The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings,[] then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
22 One platform in the Viking field has already been turned into an unmanned unit.
23 Military sources say 12 of the Internet-ready devices would be able to control missiles or unmanned fighter planes.
24 Test flights of the Redstone and Atlas rockets carrying unmanned Mercury capsules were taking place with varying degrees of success.
25 During the Kosovo conflict, the thick cloud meant that some unmanned aerial vehicles took more useful pictures than spy satellites.
26 The services will support the army's Product Manager Robotic and Unmanned Sensors and Product Manager Countermine and Explosive Ordnance Demolition.
27 Knew you inadvertently when me, you were encountered in public place of entertainment when me, distressed nobody of psychology is OK and witting, unmanned also and OK go recount and abreacting .
28 This paper aims at solving the deficiency of flight path control system of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
29 Sea trials of the demonstrator are planned for 2012 using a French Navy frigate and a Boeing, H-6U Unmanned Little Bird rotorcraft.
30 Magnetic heading measure system(MHMS) or electric magnetic compass is an essential device used to measure the heading of ships, land vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV).
More similar words: mannedunmanageablemannercanned goodsmannequingood mannerswell-manneredin a manner of speakingcon manannexbannerannexecanneryplannerchannelstunnednelson mandelainmateen massequestion markdecision makingjohn maynard keynesinnerbonnettunnelfunnelsinnerdinnerkennelbonney
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