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Asset in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+10Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accountscapitalgoodspropertythrongwealthSimilar words: assertassessassemblyassemblepassengerassessmentembarrassedvesselMeaning: ['æset]  n. a useful or valuable quality. 
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121. Staff become an asset in which to invest, to be developed soas to help the organisation achieve its aims and objectives.
122. Certainly the grace and old-world tradition of nut trees are an asset to any garden.
123. There was also a large saloon on the main deck which was a great asset for visiting V.I.P's and crew comfort.
124. Although linguistic diversity was considered a positive asset, bilingualism in maintained schools was not supported.
125. We should keep our house and garden in such a way that it is an asset to the neighbourhood.
126. Amelia, as the most famous female pilot, therefore became a valuable asset to an airline and was treated more seriously.
127. This is an excellent database of medical knowledge that should be an asset to any household or office.
128. Sofa Head's greatest asset is the realisation that you don't have to set your sights on one target.
129. An airfield that is an asset to the local community.
130. In the eyes of the Profitboss, people are the company's greatest asset.
131. The entire cost of an asset is depreciated over a period of years.
132. How do we calculate the value of the asset that we are trying to protect?
133. Capital gains tax Here a tax is imposed when individuals part with an asset and make a capital gain on it.
134. Periodic emergence of such asset price bubbles is routine in even the most developed economies.
135. If they are already your customers,( the difficulties of changing their preferences become an asset and not a liability.
136. Answer guide: Reduce a liability, the loan, and reduce the asset bank.
137. Your most valuable asset can be your willingness to persist longer than anyone else. Brian Tracy 
138. The asset section of the balance sheet is divided into two major sections: current assets and fixed assets.
139. Verbal fluency is an asset and for some people spoken presentations are easy.
140. If we think of an individual asset to be purchased and financed from loan, then the authority begins with no capital.
141. By December 1995, 91 unit trusts had a total asset base of 33. 7 billion rand.
142. Palatine shareholders are being offered a significant increase in capital value and income, plus a substantial premium over net asset value.
143. Since the company owns the cash, it is an asset and therefore a capital account.
144. In the same way, any dog who will not accept dominance in his new pack is not an asset to anyone.
145. Why is it unlikely that depreciation will provide for replacement of the fixed asset?
146. Launch costs are capped at 3.5 percent, giving a net asset value after launch of 96.5 percent of gross proceeds.
147. SmartStream provides data access, distribution, presentation and development functions for managing purchasing, asset management and manufacturing systems.
148. There could be asset stripping, with the new owner selling bus stations for a quick profit.
149. Lease financing is commonly used as an alternative to purchasing an asset with the proceeds of a debt issue.
150. The lessor then purchases the asset and leases it to the lessee.
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