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Arsenic in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+3Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Asarsenic trioxidearsenous anhydridearsenous oxideatomic number 33ratsbanewhite arsenicSimilar words: arsenalcoarsenessworseningsparsecoarsehearsehoarsesparselyMeaning: ['ɑːsnɪk]  n. 1. a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar 2. a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer. 
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151 Hogwash is oily medium main harm content, the noxiousness of yellow aspergillus element is 100 times of arsenic .
152 We refer to our letter of January 10, 1999 regarding low Arsenic Antimony Trioxide and take this opportunity to advise that we are also interested in purchasing your low tint Antimony Trioxide.
153 Objective To compare the gene expression status of NB4 cells before and after arsenic sulfide treatment by cDNA microarray.
154 A new technic for treating with flash furnace electric precipitation (FFEP) dust by leaching, oxidation, neutralization and removal arsenic by producing ferrous arsenate slag is studied.
155 Zhu and others are not waiting; they're already exploring ways to defang rice, which contains at least 10-fold higher arsenic concentrations than wheat and other cereals.
156 Objective To study the effects of sodium arsenite on gene expression related to growth and development and explored the molecular mechanism of arsenic effects using gene chips.
157 Urine - Determination of arsenic - Hydride generation - flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
158 Feedstock demands meeting hydrocarbon steam reforming process including impurity contents of olefins, aromatics, sulfur, arsenic and chloride, as well as dry point of light fraction were introduced.
159 In China, many areas have the problems of the parcel groundwater contain too much arsenic, and it leads parcel arsenical chronic poisoning.
160 Arsenic removal tests by means of oxidation and HCl extraction as well as fractional distillation were carried out.
161 Through the flotation test, the occurrence form,[] main carrier mineral and arsenic abundance in both types of coal are analyzed and calculated.
162 Arsenic can be transformed into volatilizable arsenic by microorganism in the soil and transferred to atmosphere.
163 Objective To explore the chromosomal aberration ( CA ) in lymphocytes caused by lead, arsenic, and benzene.
164 RESULTS: The content of soluble arsenic of Liushen Pill in artifical intestinal juice was only 10. 5% of the total arsenic, and could reach a dissolvable balance in a short time.
165 Boarders are forbidden to bring any dangerous objects or drugs into the dorms, including fuel, arsenic, thallium, MDMA, or amphetamines. Furthermore, pets are not allowed in the dorms.
166 Principle and operation technology of removing silicon, phosphorous and arsenic from sodium wolframate is presented.
167 The role of redox gene expression and alteration of proto-oncogene and anti-oncogene of cell exposed to arsenic in cell transformation has been studied.
168 A new method was proposed for simultaneous determination of trace arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in Dyer's woad root by HG-ICP-AES.
169 To explore the damage of kidney function in workers exposed to the termite control drugs Chlordane and arsenic compound.
170 Arsenic - Nonmalignant skin lesions, skin malignancy, internal malignancies, vascular diseases and hypertension.
171 Method of mensurating soil Arsenic and Hydrargyrum simultaneously using microwave digestion hydride - atomic fluorescence spectrometry was setup.
172 Buried Layer - A path of low resistance for a current moving in a device. Mone of these dopbugs definitelyntimony and arsenic.
173 These aquifers were created during the Pleistocene epoch, between 12,000 and 2.5 million years ago, and lack the organic carbon that is needed for arsenic to leach into water.
174 One 'very strong mixture' used in the book is the Veninum Lupinum, which consists of a mix of aconite, taxus baccata, caustic lime , arsenic, bitter almonds and powdered glass mixed with honey.
175 It is suggested to increase arsenic salt test items in the quality standards of trichosanthin.
176 Choosing appropriate pre-digestion method to cosmetic, detecting Arsenic in poultice cosmetic and foodstuff by hydride atomic fluorescence spectrometry was applied.
177 The first sample we measured was our home tube well and we found 160-190 parts per billion [ppb] -- 50 ppb is the limit -- arsenic.
178 AIM: To establish a method for the determination of trace amounts arsenic in Pule an Tablet (Chinese Cabbage Pollen).
179 The method of determination, after L-cysteine pre-reduction, with microwave digestion-hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry was used to analyze the arsenic and stibium in dyestuffs.
180 Arsenic is a metalloid element, contaminating the environment through leaching from mineral ores, copper smelting, and other industrial and agricultural sources.
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