Similar words: at the thought of, though, as though, although, even though, thorough, ought to, drought.

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1. I've just had a thought .
2. 'Why don't you try the other key?' 'That's a thought!'
3. Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought.
4. A thought flashed before her mind.
5. Inside her a thought was crystallizing.
6. You should a thought of it.
7. Spare a thought for those less fortunate than you.
8. How could she, even fleetingly, entertain such a thought?
9. A thought flitted through my mind.
10. You should spare a thought for the person who cleans up after you.
11. I should not allow such a thought to take hold on me.
12. It was just a thought,[sentencedict .com] Duncan. I didn't mean any offence.
13. Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers-consumer sales slid again in May.
14. Spare a thought for Nick, who's doing his exams right now.
15. Spare a thought for me tomorrow, when you're lying on a beach, because I'll still be here in the office!
16. . Spare a thought for us?we'll be working through the night to finish the report.
17. You might be a thought more considerate of other people.
18. Spare a thought for those who don't have enough to eat.
19. Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.
20. A thought struck me, bringing fear with it.
21. But spare a thought for Helen Williams.
22. A thought suddenly came to mind.
23. The ancestor of every action is a thought. Ralph Waldo Emerson 

24. We should spare a thought for those less fortunate.
25. As she did so, a thought struck her.
26. Which was not a thought to keep emotional tears at bay.
27. The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame. 

28. The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time. 

29. Marty was terrific — he just waded into the skinheads without a thought.
30. He looked drawn now, Ruth thought, and wondered if he had ever given her a thought since Seville.
More similar words: at the thought of, though, as though, although, even though, thorough, ought to, drought, throughout, thoroughly, without, at home, dough, do without, smooth out, go without, Catholic, enough, through, roughly, go through, without doubt, get through, all through, daughter, put through, come through, cut through, fall through, run through.