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TPO in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: outpourhot pothotpotoutpostoutpointpostponepostponedoutpouring
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1, Thyroperoxidase (TPO)is a glycosylated protein bound to the apical plasma membrane of thyrocytes. It is the key enzyme in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
2, Thrombopoietin (TPO) is a novel cytokine that is involved in the regulation of platelet production.
3, It was concluded that Tpo may be a possible autocrine factor of HEL cells.
4, DSC and TPO were employed to study the stability of the support and the catalytic performances of several metal oxides catalysts in abating the carbon black particle microsome(PM).
5, TTF-1 is related to development of the thyroid gland and regulates and controls transcriptions of thyroglobulin(TG), thyroperoxidase(TPO), and thyrotropin(TSH) receptor genes.
6, Objective To study the relationship of serum thrombopoeitin (TPO) level and peripheral blood platelet count in patient with acute trauma and its clinical significance.
7, To elucidate the regular effect pattern of thrombopoietin (TPO) on the differentiation and proliferation of T lymphocytes via gene transference.
8, Objective: To study the high expression of human TPO in E.
9, Objective To explore the prognosis of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(ITP) in serum levels of thrombopoietin(TPO) and number of megakaryocyte.
10, The recent advances in study of TPO, including its characterization, structure, preparation and potential therapeutic applications,( are reviewed briefly.
11, Objective To explore the diagnostic value of serum level of thrombopoietin(TPO) for thrombocytopenic diseases.
12, Objective To study the role of 5' untranslated region (UTR) and intron in the expression of human thrombopoietin (TPO) gene.
13, Mr. HwanMyung Joo[], secretary general of TPO Secretariat is invited to report on the work of TPO.
14, Mr. Nam-sik Hur, president of TPO, mayor of Busan is invited to deliver a speech.
15, Objeactive To research on TPO analogue peptide L203 to the thrombopoiesis effective and cultural megakaryocyte differentiation, the multiplication influence in myelosuppressive rats.
16, Due to the influence of exothermic reaction process and remaining catalyst, the analytical error of TPO and TGA would be greater.
17, Introduced the characters, process technologies and its develop trend of TPO (Thermoplastiadc Polyolefin). Analyzed and forecasted the market demand of TPE at home and abroad.
18, Bone marrow megakaryocytes(MK) count in after chemotherapy AL and AA patients were lower than those with normal serum TPO levels controls.
19, Combine BOLS Amaretto and lemon juice in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strin into a Hurricane glass. Tpo with beer. Garnish with a lemon slice.
20, Mostly direction is PDS numeral and man dress lingual of TPO applied exoterica and practice.
21, Conclusion: 131I uptake test can show the ability of I uptake for thyroid only and KCl4 release test can reflect the activity of TPO for thyroxin anabolic process.
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