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Midlands in a sentence

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Sentence count:109+1Posted:2018-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: midlandbadlandsmidlinemidlifetimidlyfalkland islandslandladyheadland
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31. By 1086, Droitwich salt was being widely distributed over the Midlands.
32. All three came from the Midlands and had been at the sharp end of the business as salesmen for distribution companies.
33. The industrial revolution was creating a new moneyed class, much of it in the North and Midlands.
34. One travel company alone brings in a coach tour from the Midlands every fortnight.
35. Sainz produced a typically uncompromising display in his Toyota Celica around the stately homes and racing circuits of the north Midlands.
36. Influenced by our strong local-government showing in Birmingham and the Midlands, I advised June and that was clearly the majority view.
37. The plant was taken over just two months ago, and now the new owners have decided to relocate in the Midlands.
38. Also suggests a shift northwards in the core of high urban growth to the East Midlands.
39. We spotted the system in action in Birmingham, where it is being tested by the West Midlands force.
40. We will plant a new national forest in the Midlands and community forests elsewhere.
41. The aircraft has since departed for its new base at East Midlands Airport.
42. Hastings' retinue was essentially the duchy of Lancaster connection in the north midlands.
43. When White and Davies were building their castles in the Midlands, the game was still mostly amateur.
44. The real pain is likely to be in the Midlands.
45. Miss Scrine conceived her campaign whilst attending an archaeological conference in the Midlands.
46. These figures are similar to the incidence calculated in the west Midlands using independent data.
47. However, the expertise it has developed serves a much wider geographical area than the West Midlands, where it is based.
48. A huge, 150 square mile, national forest is now in the process of being planted in the East Midlands.
49. They were most marked on the heavy clays that overlie most of the Midlands(, which produced good pastures.
50. Using a range of computer programmes, this was matched against 831 Census Wards in the West Midlands.
51. Stocking knitting had been removing to the east Midlands from the last years of the preceding century.
52. The West Midlands continued to decline as a manufacturing region throughout the period, for instance.
53. The local East Midlands electricity board could take power generated at Corby and feed it into the local grid.
54. Grants for woodland management will be available from 1992 and a new national forest for the Midlands considered.
55. I hear that there might be some quite spectacular player migrations from that period, notably in the Midlands.
56. The warning followed incidents in London and the West Midlands where lines to ambulance stations were disconnected.
57. By the late-sixteenth century certain trades were already concentrated in particular localities within the West Midlands metalworking region.
58. Hygeberht's archdiocese, therefore, embraced Mercia and its dependent border territories in the midlands and East Anglia.
59. Midlands 9, North 17 Hodgkinson put in a position of weakness as North march on.
60. Much of Britain in the Midlands and the south relished the new prosperity the Thatcher years had brought.
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