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Ian in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+9Posted:2017-09-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: avianpianojovianBrianAsiandianagiantgiants
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151, Ian Snodin played in the closing stages of the 1986-87 title-winning season.
152, Top scorer Ian Wright and skipper Tony Adams are extremely doubtful.
153, I seriously considered disembowelling Ian for this, but on reflection that would be a little harsh.
154, Ian Durrant told me that later that the ball had bounced off a sprinkler head.
155, Elsewhere, Ian Beale gave his son a fish and chip shop for his birthday.
156, Ian Westwood, head of the federation's Manchester branch, blamed the demise of the traditional bobby on the beat.
157, The second is donated by Ian Allen, the well-known transport book publisher.
158, Nurse Ian Ballantyne, 26, alleged that Mr Stockton had gone without his medicine on previous occasions.
159, Ian says from then on Robert has been a changed man - withdrawn and completely unapproachable.
160, He entered the action after 17 minutes when Ian Rush limped off with hamstring trouble.
161, He looked upon the baby with awe, and handled Ian as if he might break.
162, After Ian won, I was probably as happy as he was.
163, Home side outhalf Ian Brown, after an earlier miss-hit,(Sentencedict) eventually brought his side into contention with a penalty.
164, Today, his company, Ian Greer Associates, dominates the Westminster lobbying industry.
165, Anyone got any info on the rumours about Wilko being interested in Ian Rush?
166, Ian thinks that just because he made good, everybody else can too.
167, Home captain Andy Rhodes was in steady action after he punched over an opening effort by Ian McCall.
168, Ian Taylor, right, and Matthew Mulroy have won athletic scholarships to study for degrees and play soccer in Pennsylvania.
169, The arrival of Joanna, brought from hospital by Ian, distracted her from sorrowful thoughts, for which she was thankful.
170, The recently arrived cultural attache, Ian Sloane, was among the diplomats to be sent home.
171, Father-of-two Ian Cadwaller found £800 tucked into a toilet cistern.
172, Ian and Barbara will lead a small expedition into the city from the rear, while the larger group creates a diversion.
173, With 17 minutes remaining the right-back Mario Melchiot was fouled by Ian Taylor near the left-hand corner flag.
174, Her husband Ian says traditional pubs - without loud music - are still an attraction and meeting place for locals.
175, Ian had been Group Financial Controller since he joined the company in 1989.
176, In the late seventies, when Ian was starting out as a pro[], he idolized Watson.
177, The detailed history in the previous chapters has given an account of Ian Paisley's personal combination of religion and politics.
178, Ian and Libby and Joshua will be travelling by bus or car; it might suit Avocado Gerry, though.
179, Ian rarely eats, preferring chocolate milk shakes, water, and his favourite tipple when pain dictates.
180, Ian and I are doing what any neighbouring colleagues would do in similar circumstances - and this helping-out is bearing fruit.
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