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ISDN in a sentence

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Sentence count:66Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: wisdomdisdainmisdeedto this dayunwisdommisdirectdisdainfulmisdemeanor
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1. They have built-in ISDN and 16-bit audio.
2. The technical details of ISDN are as follows.
3. A major benefit of ISDN is that it is a dial-up service, just like the ordinary phone network.
4. Alternatively, an internal ISDN card can be used for most desktop computers.
5. Monthly ISDN charges are usually higher than fees for regular phone service, depending on the phone company and state regulators.
6. But unlike existing ISDN service[], the new technology splits off the data traffic and routes it through a separate data network.
7. ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network.
8. However, ISDN did not prove to be a blockbuster.
9. ISDN services include telephone, data, electronic mail, and facsimile.
10. ISDN , though, faces a major challenge from cable modems and DSL technologies.
11. The ISDN is promising telecommunication network which gain great progress in recent years.
12. With ISDN service, signaling that must be conveyed between the user station and the local switch is carried on a separate digital channel called the D channel.
13. Works with dial-up , ISDN, Cable Modem, ADSL, Ethernet cards, and more.
14. ISDN installation is more complex, sometimes requiring the home user to act as a system integrator.
15. This paper describes how to realize COMMON - ISDN - API ( CAPI ) and the layered driver for ISDN Terminal Adapter.
16. AIM:To evaluate pharmacokinetic characteristics of isosorbide 5 mononitrate(5 ISMN) tablet, 5 ISMN injection[], and isosorbide dinitrate(ISDN) injection in Chinese healthy volunteers.
17. AIC, formerly Asia ISDN Commit - tee, commits itself to the prompting of ISDN application.
18. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Signalling Systim No. 7; Transaction Capabilities (TC) version 2; Test responder specification.
19. In this paper, a logic mode of ISDN is given by analysing the CCITT's conceptional principles, sorting structures of its functional elements, and their service analysis matrixes.
20. an ISDN Internet connection.
21. Face to face Videoconferencing has always been touted as a major use for ISDN.
22. The venture aims to provide service for applications resulting from the merging of telecommunications and computing technologies, such as ISDN and viewdata.
23. A long distance phone company can provide ANI which may arrive over the D channel of an ISDN primary rate interface circuit or via a dedicated single line before the first ring.
24. TCL has now mastered some advanced technologies, including the production of ISDN digital telephone sets, HIDs (Household Information Displays) and such solid-state polymers as lithium batteries.
25. A user network interface is necessary to exchange information between users and the ISDN.
26. Thus a base station of PHS is compatible with ISDN and is often connected directly to ISDN telephone exchange equipment e.g. a digital switch.
27. Line coding is an important step in the design of full-duplex transmission system to support ISDN subscriber line basic access.
28. Adopting multiplexing technique and making use of communication line between CSC (cell station controller) and CS to achieve simultaneous transmission of ISDN signal and electric power.
29. DQDB metropolitan area network is a promising solution for the evolution from current networks to B - ISDN .
30. Today, Beijing Telecom has acquired considerable scale in the preliminary N - ISDN development .
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