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ISDN in a sentence

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Sentence count:66Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
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31. ISDN connections are used to provide a variety of digital services tocus tomers, including digital voice telephone, fax, e-mail, digital video, and access to the Internet.
32. You can use the other new Transport Type definition to create an OFTP Gateway to send documents to a trading partner via either X.25 or ISDN.
33. This paper presents a multiple access control protocol (PPBMA) for wireless cellular network, which is based on packet priority, and ISDN services can be easily implemented.
34. The conclusion has been made: ISDN was the best backup line in the long-distance internetworking by synthesizing the factors of economy , line-coverage and network-performance.
35. The access networks have become the bottleneck of B - ISDN and Information Superhighway in their development.
36. By contrast, ISDN basic service provides symmetrical 128 Kbps service within 18,000 feet of the central office.
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37. The best known solution to the 4 KHz bottleneck is ISDN.
38. An ISDN option that alerts a Terminal Adapter ( TA ) or ISDN-capable router that a second call is coming in over a given Bearer (B) channel.
39. This Recommendation is one of a set of Recommendations that describe the Broadband ISDN User Part.
40. Analog telephones and fax machines are used over ISDN lines, but their signals are converted into digital by the ISDN terminal adapter.
41. Meanwhile, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) will also be increasing rapidly.
42. Developments in modern telecommunications are proceeding along broadband, intelligent, personal and integrated services digital network ( B - ISDN ).
43. LAPF conveys data link service data units between DL-service users in the User Plane for frame mode bearer services across the ISDN user-network interface on B-, D- or H-channels.
44. At the telephone company end, ISDN lines connect to a digital switch.
45. Which encapsulation methods are most commonly used with dialup integrated services Digital Network ( ISDN )?
46. ISDN developed from IDN. ISDN can improve the efficiency of the Internet, since single net can provide various services instead of establishing a net for specific business.
47. One day it is a frame relay switch, the next it is your ISDN router.
48. Of course, shielding T 1 and ISDN backup service is also available.
49. ISDN however, uses a separate channel for control information, the D channel. This is called out-of-band signaling.
50. Here, we use B-channels to specify one or more ISDN channels. The prime considered ISDN applications were videophone and video conferencing systems.
51. It provides information on the functions in ISDN entities and the information flows between the entities which are required to provide call set-up and call release procedures.
52. This Recommendation specifies the formats and codes of the ISDN user part messages and parameters required to support basic bearer services and supplementary services.
53. Objective : To improve the solubility and in vitro dissolution of isosorbide dinitrate ( ISDN ) solid dispersion.
54. The other ISDN interface is the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), which is for homes and small businesses.
55. ATM is one of the key techniques for implementing Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network ( B - ISDN ).
56. The lone exception has been ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) that has won over some residential customers.
57. The new adaptive filter can be used as an echo canceller in ISDN U-interface full-duplex transmission system.
58. According to the experiment, the plan on future narrowband ISDN is given. The properties and prospect of this primary ISDN are discussed.
59. Recommendation I. 210 describes the principles for defining telecommunication services supported by an ISDN including the concept of bearer services, teleservices and supplementary services.
60. Works with Dial - Up , ISDN, Cable Modem, ADSL, Ethernet cards, and more.
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