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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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211. RESULTS: Of the 40 cases of chronic dacryocystitis patients with lacrimal secretion culture, 39 cases were positive, a total of 50 strains positive bacteria were isolated .
212. Markers deviated from Mendelian segregation ratios were observed to be 39.0 %.
213. It & ; am # 39 very impolite to interpose in such a formal seminar.
214. Inflation, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index, slowed to 3.92% from 4.39% in the previous week, showed data issued Thursday by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
215. The bridge 39 may provide a data path between the CPU 31 and peripheral devices.
216. Jack Nicholson : & # 39 Cause it ( censored ) wanted to. That's the ( censored ) reason.
217. The agency has 39 subunits of which 13 forest fields and managing manufactures are engaged in timbering supply.
218. According to the test by exports, Hai Lian brand brasenia schreberi contains 27 percent of protein, 39 percent of carbohydrate and it also riches in trace elements, such as Si, Ga, Fe, Mg and P.
219. Results The P - gp expression was negative in 39 cases of 95 gastric carcinoma ( 41.1 % ).
220. For Advertisers who have rate protection commitment under Rate Card No.39.
221. Total antioxygentic capacity (TAOC), Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), malonic dialdehyde (MDA) contents in serum were measured in 39 copying operation and 39 healthy subjects.
222. The organization of DMA system is illustrated on Fin 3 - 39 .
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