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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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1. The average salary is $39,000 a year.
2. 39.Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
3. The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.
4. Thompson said he had cut welfare rolls by 39%.
5. Labour made an overall gain of 39 seats.
6. At 39 she was made chairman of the board.
7. A metre equals 39.38 inches.
8. The party's share of the vote fell from 39% to 24%.
9. The cushions, shown left, measure 20 x 12 inches and cost $39.95.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. A poll for the Observer showed Labour on 39 per cent with the Tories lagging a point behind.
11. There are 39 severe flood warnings on 22 rivers across the country.
12. The opposition candidate failed by only 39 votes to unseat the cabinet minister.
13. They polled 39% of the vote in the last election.
14. 63 members voted in favour, 39 opposed and 5 abstained.
15. There were 39, 000 new cases last year - an increase of 7 per cent.
16. Only 39 percent of patients were seen within four weeks of referral.
17. He finished 39 seconds ahead of his main rival .
18. It is $39.95 plus $3 shipping.
19. Oasis wool-mix stirrup pants, £39.99.
20. Four years ago Lesley-Anne, 39, was diagnosed with lymphoma.
21. Guterson, 39, seems sanguine about his remarkable success.
22. Symphonic Serenade for string orchestra, Op. 39.
23. Spotlight 39. Single copies free.
24. Hamilton, 39, was diagnosed with testicular cancer in March.
25. She later took the discus with 39.72 metres.
26. Sharks goalie Chris Terreri made 39 saves.
27. The average of the three numbers 7, 12 and 20 is 13, because the total of 7, 12 and 20 is 39, and 39 divided by 3 is 13.
28. The poll, whose objectivity is open to question, gave the party a 39% share of the vote.
29. He made six separate applications for a total of 39 000 shares, using permutations of his surname and Christian names.
30. The aircraft had reached its cruising altitude of about 39,000 feet.
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