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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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181. Even as the caseload has grown, federal judges' salaries have risen by only 39% since 1991 while the cost of living has gone up 50%.
182. The mortalities of pregnant and lying-in women and infants have decreased to 39.19% and 43.70% separately in 1998 compared in 1990.
183. Compared with the results of the treatment of the other 39 cases in whom hyoscine was not employed, the hyoscine treatment was far better in handling repeated apnea and convulsion caused by HIE.
184. Apple is also announcing peripherals, including an HDMI adapter for high-definition video output ($39), and Smart Covers, a new kind of magnetic cover with a bendable flap.
185. A city of north-central Italy southwest of Ravenna. It is noted for its richly colored pottery, produced here since the 2th century. Population, 39,700.
186. Among the 42 samples the interesterification effect of 39 samples are satisfactory.
187. Article 39 Detainment and auction of a small ship of which the total tonnage is lower than 20 tons may be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the civil procedure law.
188. Kristeligt Dagblad: Fanogade 152100 Copenhagen O ; tel.39 - 27 - 12 - 35 ; f .1896 ; circ .15 , 300 ; Editor - Erik Bjerager.
189. Like a chastened schoolboy, the 39 - year - old took his verbal beating.
189. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
190. Operating earnings estimates are over 39 % higher than estimated as - reported earnings.
191. Unit 39 I need to check up on my application.
192. The researchers estimated that in air-conditioned rooms, 39 per cent of individuals — mainly health workers — would become infected following 24 hours of exposure to untreated TB patients.
193. In one experiment, researchers at Eindhoven University in the Netherlands asked 39 people who could see 3D to read some text on a screen from 10 feet away.
194. She has a good figure – her vital statistics are 36 - 24 - 39.
195. Last year, China saw a 39 % increase in contractual FDI, reaching US $ 115 billion .
196. Is this tap water? No. It & ; am # 39 bottled water.
197. Antananarivo in Madagascar (217) is at the bottom of the list with an eco-city score of 39.7, while Baghdad is at 214, scoring 40.5.
198. We found the goods did am # 39 ; t agree with the original patter.
199. Method:39 cases of 56 ears suffered from chronic catarrhal otitis media were treated by the eustachian catheter.
200. CCC selling prices are # 39 ; t nece arily price ceilings.
201. For all of 2010, Goldman's profit after preferred stock dividends fell to $7.71 billion, or $13.18 per share, from $12.19 billion, or $22.13. Net revenue fell to $39.16 billion from $45.17 billion.
202. Methods: Retrospective study was made on 39 cases of acetabular fractures.
203. The major volatile oil constituents in the Artemisia frigida are aromatic compound (39.04%), alcohol compounds (10.78%) and ketones compounds (6.91%).
204. A wall collapsed and 39 people, were killed in the panic-stricken stampede.
205. Each ticket contained eight tic-tac-toe boards, and each space on those boards—72 in all—contained an exposed number from 1 to 39.
206. It was hardly the lineup Charlotte fans expected when they purchased tickets for the game. The Bobcats' had only their fifth sellout in 39 home games.
207. The regulation of the nail-fold microcirculatory flow and blood viscosity was investigated by Dual-window television automatic estimating system in 39 postnecrotic cirrhosis.
208. The bar code technology was applied in purchasing management. The coding purchasing information system was designed with the code 39, which was applied in the area of industry extensively.
209. Be pregnant 1-8 cycles , cold tussis fever (39.5) children energies or?
210. Methods 39 cases (75 eyes) of ocular hypertension were investigated. Theexaminations included CCT, IOP and visual field measuring, gonioscopy, slit-lamp and fundus checking up.
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