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Writings in a sentence

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Sentence count:235+6Posted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: writhingawaitinglimitingvomitingexcitingwaiting roomwritewritheMeaning: ['raɪtɪŋ]  n. the third of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures. 
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91. All the writings that extolled the role of Mary were ultimately excluded from the canon.
92. Religious writings provide no real evidence and must be ignored.
93. The relationship between illness and creativity interested him, and he often emphasized it in his prose writings.
94. Grosvenor's speeches and writings make it possible to reconstruct his political views in considerable detail.
95. His writings were sharpened and made more poignant by his troubles.
96. However, the standard edition of Hobbes' writings is nearly 150 years old and suffers from serious defects and omissions.
97. Dealing with her finest prints and drawings with appropriate quotations from her own writings, this reveals many of her sources.
98. The pieces he is reading are adapted from the writings of playwright and author Michael Frayn.
99. A publishing company named Lucifer was established in 1922, which distributed the writings to an increasing network of New Age groups.
100. No philosopher has done more to disown the idea that his writings embody some kind of masterly or authoritative wisdom.
101. From his later writings it is obvious that he was quite fascinated by the entire operation and its execution.
102. Sam Waterston reads from the abundant writings of the tall, soft-spoken Jefferson.
103. Here, expressed in ecclesiastical terms, was the distinction between North and South which recurs frequently in writings of the period.
104. Because the Pharisees were the predominant sect, few, Sadducee writings have survived.
105. The romantic poets were interested in extremes of emotion, and there were frequent undertones in their writings of sadism and death.
106. Released from imprisonment for his writings, he was soon in jail again for debt.
107. His writings and public orations constantly attack Protestantism and blame the Reformation for many ills.
108. Musa Anter has been imprisoned on a number of occasions for his writings.
109. His writings deeply influenced many later mathematicians and scientists, most notably Galileo and Newton.
110. If you read the writings of Claus Oldenburg you find it has a precision and intellectual rigour.
111. Leapor's poetry on domestic service is part of a wide range of eighteenth century writings concerned with this type of work.
112. That too often happens in writings about the heartland, the vast reaches of the West and other strong places.
113. All historical writings, even those which deal with complicated and abstract ideas,( narrate stories about people and their lives.
114. He now had carte blanche to pursue any major story in town and to inject his strong opinions unabashedly into his writings.
115. For the next four years he occupied himself primarily with writings in which he leveled attacks against enemies of the faith.
116. In writings about the Renaissance, its beginning may be seen to waver from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century.
117. His writings fill twenty-four manuscript volumes, spanning the years 1781 to 1794.
118. Biographies of Keynes, and the writings of economists and economic historians, are indispensable to an understanding of the subject.
119. Sometimes the second reading, usually made from the Apostolic writings, had the same theme especially in Lent or Advent.
120. Like all her writings, Children's Minds combines great clarity and lucidity of expression with original and rigorous thought.
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