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Voltage in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+3Posted:2017-04-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: electric potentialelectromotive forceemfpotentialpotential differencepotential dropSimilar words: revolt againstvoltairephotovoltaicrevoltoutagestagedotagea stageMeaning: ['vəʊltɪdʒ]  n. 1. the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit; expressed in volts 2. the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts. 
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91. Low voltage lights are widely available and simple to install with no worries about safety.
92. Schottky barrier diode. Repetitive peak reverse voltage 30 V.
93. It is fed into the grid at this voltage.
94. The current lags behind the voltage.
95. The circuit structure is using a fly-back converter voltage.
96. The galvanometer indicated a voltage, then dropped to zero.
97. Purpose: Optimal for low voltage and high current drives.
98. Repetitive voltage fluctuations cause brightness variations in incandescent elements.
99. All versions feature analog voltage or current outputs.
100. The voltage of the amplified signal at the loudspeaker is 2 V.
101. Three Terminal, Fixed Voltage, Low Dropout Negative Voltage Regulator In Hermetic Packages.
102. The transmission distance at certain voltage level, is restricted by power line's voltage loss and transmission capacity.
103. The paper brings up the scheme to estimate the transient voltage unused the voltage sensor.
104. The source generates a rectangular wave voltage according to a first control, and applies the voltage to at least one organic electroluminescent element, thereby driving the element.
105. The operational principle of applied voltage method, the design of test circuit and outgoing line mechanism etc.
106. The relationship of hydrophobicity and wet flashover voltage of composite insulators is also discussed in this paper.
107. The proposals for measurement of OLTC recovery voltage in transformer test and operation are made.
108. The invention disclosed a metal oxide semiconductor element with voltage stabilization and electrostatic discharge protection and a manufacturing method thereof, which is applied to a chip.
109. Between sampling instants there is no registration of the voltage.
110. The input bias current flows at the instrument input due to internal instrument circuitry and the internal bias voltage.
111. At the same instant, Q3 sources current into R4 through D1, thereby pulling the voltage on R4 to a diode drop below the supply voltage.
112. Relay. Coil voltage 5 VDC. Contact arrangement 1B. Cover dust cover. Insulation class F.
113. By using C8051F040 SCM to control the neutron tube′s filament voltage, the target voltage and the pulse of the anode,( the downhole tool can work at an ideal state.
114. The zero voltage space vector is used to keep steady state and reduce frequency of inverter.
115. Electricity will pass through it if the positive pole of the thyristor is connected to a positive voltage and the trigger terminal is giver pulse.
116. Schottky barrier rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 60 V. Max average forward current 5.0 A.
117. The operation and performances of a new type direct current high voltage power supply are described.
118. Ultra fast low-loss controlled avalanche rectifier. Repetitive peak reverse voltage 50 V.
119. The system consists of two modules: gating pulse module and high voltage modulation module.
120. In the normal fluctuation range of voltage it could realize reactive power balance basically.
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