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Upwards in a sentence

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Sentence count:182+12Posted:2017-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: upupwardupwardlySimilar words: upwardupwardlyupwardly mobilebackwards and forwardstowardsonwardsforwardsinwardsMeaning: adv. 1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position 2. to a later time. 
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121. In a different class of important circuits, positive feedback is applied over a band of frequencies from zero frequency upwards.
122. Due to the action of this force the couch will start to accelerate upwards.
123. Thomas plunged his arm deep into the creature's mouth and then forced his fist upwards through the larynx.
124. Lying on your tummy, raise your head and shoulders. Point the chin upwards and hold for 5 counts.
125. She was still gazing upwards anxiously when Felipe reappeared, and this time he was climbing down.
126. Upwards of £40 there were the landowners, or gentry, though a good many below this point might have been counted as gentlemen.
127. They are being pulled towards the ground by gravity and being pushed upwards by the ground beneath their feet.
128. The pressure gauge tells you how much air you have left in your tank prices range from 30 pounds upwards.
129. As she tilted her face upwards to answer, her bone structure was thrown into transitory relief.
130. Dreading what he might see, Rincewind let his gaze slide upwards.
131. Draw an imaginary line from the centre of eye to under the cheekbone and start there, pushing upwards.
132. She pushed against the garage door and it slid upwards.
133. The outward tips of his bushy eyebrows were tilted upwards slightly, giving him a demonic appearance.
134. They are pushing upwards because their stalks function as vertical hydraulic rams.
135. Not that this dissuades upwards of 800 competitors from entering the event.
136. One of the colliding plates crumples upwards and then grinds down, sliding beneath the onrush of the other.
137. Finally, the third rhythm forms a contrastingly smooth arpeggio which sweeps upwards in pairs of quavers.
138. Convection occurs when too much heat is present at depth to be conveyed upwards solely by thermal conduction.
139. The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but, they while their companions slept, they were toiling upwards in the night. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
140. Practices which have characterised the details of your daily living from the cradle upwards are dealt a swift and final blow.
141. Trellis supports a climbing rose up a wall and hanging baskets also take the eye upwards.
142. As the eggs sink to the bottom they are guided towards the centre, where the aeration sweeps them upwards again.
143. Get a friend to raise the blade vertically upwards to simulate crashing into a hidden rock in the stopper.
144. With palms facing upwards, take your arms behind you and hold them as high as possible.
145. Spring's vast fortune comprised upwards of 40 percent of the combined assets of the Babergh clothiers.
146. When we looked upwards again, we were amazed to see all three Fulmars still flying but firing emergency landing signals.
146. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
147. If the density increases upwards, then buoyancy forces provide an additional source of energy for the turbulence.
148. He fought his way upwards, fingernails tearing at the ornate carvings, hands reaching to grasp the top.
149. Slowly arch the back and lift the chest and head upwards and back.
150. Their heads always turn either to right or left: one of their eyes turns inwards, the other upwards.
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