Similar words: undertake, undertaken, undertaking, partaker, overtake, undertow, under the sun, under the weather. Meaning: n. one whose business is the management of funerals.

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1 The word "undertaker" had long been in common usage.
2 Wycliffe traced the route the undertaker must have taken.
3 It was a bill sent by the village undertaker.
4 We say undertaker, they say mortician.
5 He has made more business for an undertaker than any other one thing, with the exception of Prohibition.
6 Then he would think of the undertaker forcing that convoluted form into a cheap coffin and the lid being screwed on.
7 The undertaker took him in a pushchair like a baby.
8 So why should he, the late seventeenth-century undertaker, be treated with such disdain?
9 So I went myself to see the undertaker, select the bearers, and arrange all the funeral details.
10 Before the undertaker closes the casket, he asks us if we want to say good-bye.
11 The undertaker then takes over, makes up our faces and carries the coffin to the crematorium.
12 In his coat, Winchell looks like a Dickensian undertaker; he embarrasses me.
13 But people have to choose a particular undertaker to handle the arrangements.
14 Again, the undertaker offered two choices to the client: outright purchase of all the accoutrements or the hire thereof.
15 The arrival of the local undertaker, Paul Berthe, did little to help our investigations.
16 Politeness looks well in every man, except an undertaker.
17 The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.
18 If any one superstar symbolizes WWE, it's the Undertaker.
19 An undertaker undertook to undertake an undertaking.
20 The undertaker closed his eyes a moment and then began to speak.
21 I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.
22 They even put him in the coffin and shipped him home instead of leaving it to a local undertaker.
23 Was it possible that she had tried to bribe the undertaker with her body?
24 He settles for a life-changing career among the cadavers as an undertaker.
25 The police might want to see the body; the undertaker certainly would.
26 Kodachrome was developed by two musicians and the original automatic telephone exchange by an undertaker.
27 I followed him into the funeral parlour,( where we were greeted by a businesslike undertaker.
28 "Take the long hill road up, Thompson--it will be easier on the horses, " called the liveryman as the undertaker snapped the door of the hearse and prepared to mount to the driver's seat.
29 The present invention discloses a fuse holder which can be more safely changed to an electrical distribution box in an active circuit, thereby allowing occurring error by undertaker.
30 This way people lining - u on side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia look silly.
More similar words: undertake, undertaken, undertaking, partaker, overtake, undertow, under the sun, under the weather, under the guise of, water under the bridge, under the circumstances, partake, partaken, partake of, overtaking, take root, caretaker, underground, underhanded, under consideration, underground railroad, stakeholder, under, sunder, under way, undergo, blunder, founder, bounder, plunder.