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Ulcerative in a sentence

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Sentence count:154Posted:2017-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ulcerateoperativeimperativeiterativecooperativeinoperativevituperativeuncooperativeMeaning: adj. of or relating to or characterized by ulceration. 
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121. Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) includes ulcerative colitis(UC) and Crohn's disease(CD). The pathophysiology mechanisms of the disease remains elusive.
122. The purpose of this paper is to observe the retention enema with Sophorae mixture for treatment of ulcerative rectitis in clinical efficacy.
123. Objective The aim is to analyze and seek for the best treatment for ulcerative blepharitis.
124. Objective:To summarize nursing experiences and therapeutic effects of ulcerative nonspraying haemorrhage by endoscopic biogel spraying.
125. Objective: To study the clinical effects of parenteral hyperalimentation in severe ulcerative colitis patients.
126. Objective To study the role of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B from sinusitis in pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis.
127. Objective To observe the clinical effect of Jiuhua Suppository and Azulfidine Suppository on ulcerative proctitis.
128. Conclusions Drug treatment through sigmoidoscope is a effective,[] safe a nd convenient therapeutic way for ulcerative colitis.
129. Here is another example of extensive ulcerative colitisThe ileocecal valve is seen at the lower left.
130. Yuyangmo was a effective traditional Chinese medicine film agent and may regulate immunity function of patients with ulcerative rectitis.
131. Ulcerative colitis - related mortality accounted for 17 % of all deaths.
132. Indigestion, Stomach-ache, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Nausea, Constipation, Hiccup, Prolapse of Stomach, Ulcerative Colitis.
133. Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease may occur here.
134. Methods Real time helical scanning and tree-D reconstruction on the work station were accessed on ulcerative colitis cases proved by colonoscopy.
135. Objective: To observe the clinical effect of "Clear Heat and Astring the Bowel Decoction" to treat ulcerative colitis which belong to damp-heat through retention-enema.
136. Over time, there is a risk for adenocarcinoma with ulcerative colitis.
137. Objective To study the effects of sodium ferulate(SF) on the abnormal function of platelet in patients with ulcerative colitis(UC).
138. This gross appearance is characteristic for ulcerative colitis. The most intense inflammation begins at the lower right in the sigmoid colon and extends upward and around to the ascending colon.
138. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
139. Objective : To study the anti - inflammatory effects of Jianpilichang tablets on chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
140. Disease Activity, ANCA, and IL23R Genotype Status Determine Early Response to Infliximab in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis.
141. State the treatment of bronchiectasis infection from lung carbuncle in ulcerative carbuncle period, which gets satisfying clinical effect.
142. Ulcerative colitis and granulomatous colitis affect many children and young adults.
143. It is used to cure ulcerative carbuncle, venomous snake bite, pain and hyperspasmia and so on.
144. There are hormones, sulfanilamide groups and immunosuppressant for treatment in ulcerative colitis.
145. To observe the therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment of ulcerative colonitis with hyperbaric oxygen and Xi - Lei - San.
146. There are now many of us using trichuris trichuria to treat Ulcerative Colitis.
147. Pyoderma gangrenosum(PG)is an uncommon, ulcerative, cutaneous disorder with distinctive clinical characteristics.
148. Pseudopolyps are seen here in a case of severe ulcerative colitis. The remaining mucosa has been ulcerated away and is hyperemic .
149. Mucosanguineous stool is a warning of malignant tumors of the colon and ulcerative colitis.
150. During the last outbreak of fish disease in 2007, which turned out to be epizootic ulcerative syndrome, a seasonal disease caused by a fungal infection, the laboratory also sent samples to Thailand.
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