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Toughener in a sentence

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Sentence count:38Posted:2024-10-19Updated:2024-10-19
Similar words: toughenedtoughenroughenedroughenhigh-energyhigh-energy physicsboughedploughed
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31. The property of PP/carbon black conductive composite and the effect of toughener POE on the property of the composite were studied.
32. The reinforcing and toughening mechanism of poly(lactic acid) composite filled by talcum powder or diatomite combined with toughener compound was investigated.
33. The curing characteristics and optimum blending ration for the toughener were discussed.
34. A kind of sealant with the mixed toughener of the condensation polymer of polyether-diepoxy- furaldehyde -cyclohexanone was studied. The sealant obtained low viscosity and high property.
35. The effects of toughener and filler on shearing strength and impact strength of epoxy adhesives were studied.
36. Based on this, QS toughener was added to form epoxy resin alloy of"sea island structure", thus further improving its adhesion.
37. The synthesis of the toughener is only a one-step reaction without side reactions, and has high product yield.
38. The method takes n-butyl acrylate and glycidyl methacrylate as raw materials to prepare an active toughener in solution through a copolymerization reaction.
More similar words: toughenedtoughenroughenedroughenhigh-energyhigh-energy physicsboughedploughedtoughtoughietoughlyrough estimatetough guya tough guya tough nuttough lucktoughnesstough-mindedwell thought outas tough as old bootspay through the nosemichenerfreshenerkitchenerpenetrate throughstrengthenerthrough and throughghenthugheslaugher
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