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Touches in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+5Posted:2017-06-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: toucheduntouchedtouchretouchtouch ontouch upin touchtouchdown
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181. tax-management is a relatively independent subject that touches wider areas.
182. In my thigh and buttock ( touches his right buttock ).
183. This first epistle to the Corinthians deals with all kinds of subjects and touches very deeply on many of them, particularly personal holiness.
184. When a Catholic girl reaches about the same age, she stands in front of the local bishop, who touches her forehead with holy oil as she is confirmed into a 2,000-year-old faith tradition.
185. He enquires about her well being with concern, which touches her a great deal.
186. To complement the Evangelist, every design team needs a leader who directs the finishing touches on each project. The Conductor's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.
187. The first large contingent of troops touches down on American soil today.
188. Steam condenses to water when it touches a cold surface.
189. Her foot touches the plate and sets off the trap, but so swift and lissome is she that her ankles evade the clash of the serrated iron jaws as they spring together.
190. Now one of the entries in Milton's commonplace book that touches on the subject of chastity strikes me as a particularly charged one for its terrifying image of violence.
191. A stop order becomes a market order when the market touches that level.
192. The relationship between industrial scale, capital structure and industrial performance touches upon Industry Economy and Corporation Finance which were irrelevant in the past.
193. He added that the helicopter is guaranteed to crash land safely because the array will detect the aircraft's orientation on uneven or sloping surfaces the very moment it touches the ground.
194. Her face and her voice, all at his service now, worked the miracle - the impression operating like the torch of a lamplighter who touches into flame, one by one, a long row of gas jets.
194. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
195. "The Department of Health and Human Services touches the lives of all Americans in crucial and fundamental ways," Daschle told the panel.
196. This paper touches the progress in VLBI astrophysics concerning some high lights of extragalactic continuum astronomy, interstellar masers and pulsars and stars from VLBI observations.
197. I am just a girl from Smyrna, Georgia who wanted to be in movies, " Roberts once said and it is a sentiment that clearly touches American audiences.
198. Chapter three touches detailedly on the characteristics of business English from four aspects: lexical level, syntactic level, textual level and social level.
199. A sculptor applies finishing touches to an idol of the Hindu goddess Durga as his son looks on him in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata September 25, 2006.
200. Once his head touches the pillow, he just lies there as still as death till he's wakened.
201. "The Entire Circulation" touches the most sensitive nerve of the securities market factors.
202. This paper also touches upon the features of differential modulation and demodulation.
203. Generously plated and served with the freshest of greens, the Calamari Griglia was cooked al dente , and glistened with splashes of olive oil and had touches of fresh cut chilli.
204. The production not only keeps down Chinese date mostly alimentation nurturance, but also touches greasy, tasty and refreshing daintily , flavor single, edible facility.
205. Putting the final touches at a polling station in the southern city of Basra, Iraq.
206. It works better if the blade's back edge (spine) somewhat touches the inner back edge of the scabbard while drawing out (same while inserting in).
207. Other sophisticated touches include Logic 7, VMAx and MP 3 processing and advanced on - screen menu system.
208. Rossini also touches on the tourism industry in Latin America.
209. He sits up in confusion and touches the wound gingerly.
210. Any personal touches, such as an individual logo created out of candle wax or a customised medieval procession, come at an extra, undisclosed cost.
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