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To-do in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2017-11-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: commotiondisruptiondisturbanceflutterhoo-hahoo-hahhurly burlykerfuffleSimilar words: mastodonwell-to-dofail to dohave to do withhave nothing to do withhave something to do withfrom door to doordoor-to-doorMeaning: [tə'duː]  n. a disorderly outburst or tumult. 
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1, What's all the to-do about?
2, He made a great to-do about being left off the guest list.
3, There was such a to-do when I said I didn't want to be married in a church!
4, What a to-do that was, getting my passport renewed at the consulate!
5, She made a great to-do about his forgetting her birthday.
6, Here, your to-do list lives on its own page instead of in the calendar, a less desirable setup.
7, It caused quite a to-do when a mistake was made in the Labor Department statistics.
8, Christmas has never been a big to-do in our house.
9, This is your to-do list.
10, We all have to-do lists.
11, Write your to-do list,( project lists down somewhere you can see them often.Then write a desire and intention list.
12, Day after day you may struggle through your to-do list or Objectives Project Plan, cross off most of the big items, and maybe even feel like you have had a successful day.
13, Each day I work from my to-do list, adding items and marking off tasks that are complete at about the same rate, if things are going well. This is the list that I look at and change the most.
14, From managing our to-do lists and writing code to jotting ideas and keeping a grocery list, nothing beats a solid plain text editor.
15, Sets the current completion status of this to-do as a percentage.
16, Well, that's good, but realize that your to-do list will never ever be completed, nor will your project list.
17, To-do list: Read over my current task list; prune stuff that doesn't matter any more; re-prioritize items to work on next week.
18, There's a new online to-do app that's come out called Now Do This: — I know, there are already a million of them, but I love this one for its simplicity and philosophy that's so similar to mine.
19, This notebook is part journal, part idea book, part scrapbook, and part to-do list.
20, This is a guest post from Christian Arno on why learning second language should be top of your to-do list.
21, Previously,( I've used those yellow Post-It notes to keep my to-do list organized (I'd stick them to my desk in front of my keyboard) and a pocket-size black Moleskine notebook.
22, No matter how much planning, preparation, and winnowing of your schedule you do, there are still times when responsibilities can wreak havoc on your to-do list.
23, But for me, walking is a good opportunity to process the day and let my mind wander without the oppression of the endless to-do list that awaits me at home.
24, Then write a desire and intention list. Cross-reference these lists and see if your to-do actions line up with your desires and intention, the things that are important to you.
25, Things like always having a notebook and pen on hand to capture to-do items as they came up, daily and weekly action items, and the next actionable item for any task.
26, A few months ago I made an addition to the blog and the paper notebooks where I wrote my to-do lists, short notes and goals.
27, No one would have skipped any sleep over it, but the military made a big to-do of hushing it up, and for a lot of folks, that sealed it: the aliens had landed!
28, I still use small notebooks to write down my to-do lists and shopping lists for the day.
29, There is a certain degree of balance that you should bring into your planning that will turn your to-do list from a boring list into an inspiring one.
30, q335r49 wrote in with his personal preference of using Word's Outline View to contain his to-do list, little personal essays, a shopping list, and whatever more he needs.
More similar words: mastodonwell-to-dofail to dohave to do withhave nothing to do withhave something to do withfrom door to doordoor-to-doortodtodytodaytoddytoddleto dateat oddsstodgyto deathtoddlercustodycestodeup-to-dateectodermup to datein custodyautodialcustodialcustodianphotodiodeput to deathbeg to differ
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