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Thickening in a sentence

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Sentence count:171Posted:2018-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sickeningquickeningsickeninglythickenthickenedthickenerslackeningspring chickenMeaning: ['θɪknɪŋ]  n. 1. any material used to thicken 2. any thickened enlargement 3. the act of thickening. adj. 1. accumulating and becoming more intense 2. becoming more intricate or complex. 
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(61) I feel sick about the trick of thickening the tickets by sticking.
(62) Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing.
(63) A device can fulfill punching, flanging and thickening in one stroke of press machine is studied.
(64) The first recognizable abnormality is increased tortuosity and thickening of the arteries which may compress the underlying veins.
(65) Therefore,( the tectonic environment of the volcanic rocks in the Luxi area occurred in the late stage development of island arc system near to the side of continent with a thickening crust condition.
(66) The main genesis of heterogeneous crude is migration and fractional distillation of low mature crude, mixing of crude, thickening by edge water, and thickening by bottom water.
(67) Nail slow growth, no luster and turn yellow thickening: Tips to the lymphatic system illnesses.
(68) Thickening and perivascular lymphocytic cuffing of cord blood vessels . H and E X 250.
(69) Result: A new type fiber - annulation thickening on intracavitary cell wall, was discovered in medical material power.
(70) The boron deficiency plant appears inter- venial chlorosis, thickening, crisping leaves and increased leaf weight ratio (LWR).
(71) Morphoea is a connective tissue disorder characterised by hardening and thickening of the skin due to an increased collagen deposition.
(72) Pathological changes of the organization, mainly the epidermal cuticle significant parakeratosis, acanthosis cell layer thickening, epidermal sudden downward extension of in-depth dermis.
(73) Extreme dryness and thickening of the conjunctiva(, often resulting from a deficiency of vitamin A.
(74) Guar and Locust Bean Gums Guar and locust bean gums are important thickening polysaccharides for both food and nonfood uses.
(75) Spiral thickening (helical thickening) The type of secondary wall formation in which a spiral band of lignified deposits is formed on the inner wall of the cell.
(76) These enamel matrix proteins when suspended in a thickening agent (propylene glycol alginate - PGA) are retained on root surfaces for up to two weeks.
(77) Results: Of 29 cases of esophagogastric diseases. 3 cases were mycoderma thickening, 2 cysts, 9 liomyomas, 2 thoracoarterioaorta, and 7 spleen.
(78) This new additive have advantage with a gnd effect of filtrate las reduction, easy adjusting thickening time, good rheological property, low water abeorption rate and suit for large temperature range.
(79) Pleural thickening, diaphragmatic tenting, blunting costophrenic angle, solitary calcified nodule or granuloma or minor musculoskeletal or cardiac finding.
(80) Diffuse mucosal thickening affecting bilateral maxillary sinuses, ethmoidal sinuses and sphenoidal sinuses, suggesting pansinusitis change.
(81) CT showed the synovial membrane were obvious thickening and enhanced, corpus liberum in tendon sheath were no obvious strengthening.
(82) Nodular thickening of the peribronchovascular interstitium is particularly common in sarcoidosis and lymphangitic spread of carcinoma.
(83) Annular thickening Rings of thickening laid down on the inner wall of protoxylem vessels and tracheids .
(84) Optimizing the recipe with main adjuvants as wetting - dispersing agents , thickening agents asas anti-freezing agents.
(85) Left diaphragmatic crus or gastrophrenic ligament irregularly thickening was presented and could not be separated from mass tissue(25 cases).
(86) In this patient, interlobular septal thickening both smooth and nodular, is also visible, suggesting a perilymphatic pattern.
(87) In this paper, a new-type thickening propenoic acid multipolymer used to be glassfibre bulkhead glue for storage battery was studied.
(88) The effect of AA content, latex solid content, comonomer component and feed technique on particle size and its distribution, thickening with alkali and waterproof of latex film were compared.
(89) The endometrium prepares to receive a fertilized egg by thickening and producing secretions.
(90) The solutions of selvedge thickening during mercerizing developed by Benniger AG are described.
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