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Thickening in a sentence

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Sentence count:171Posted:2018-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sickeningquickeningsickeninglythickenthickenedthickenerslackeningspring chickenMeaning: ['θɪknɪŋ]  n. 1. any material used to thicken 2. any thickened enlargement 3. the act of thickening. adj. 1. accumulating and becoming more intense 2. becoming more intricate or complex. 
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(151) The ammonium chloride is neutralized by vaporizing and thickening from mother liquors.
(152) The thickening of zone prevention can be realized by shorting the initial length of feeding zone, decreasing the friction coefficient and choosing low internal pressure.
(153) Results 22 cases had undergone penis thickening by polyacrylamide hydrogel injection, there was no toxic reaction.
(154) The amount of space junk orbiting earth has reached a 'tipping point' where continual collisions are thickening the already dense cloud shrouding the Earth, a Nasa report has revealed.
(155) Dry-mixed mortar is granular or powdered mixture prepared by mixing fine aggregate with a water-retaining and thickening material, a mineral admixture and an additive in a certain proportion.
(156) As the condition progresses there is compensatory thickening of the calvarium and hyperpneumatization of paranasal sinuses.
(157) The thickening power of some thickener in the liquid detergent - of AES is main component is determined.
(158) Fundus examination showed subretinal hemorrhage and macular thickening on the right and a disciform macular scar with focal atrophic pigment epithelial lesions on the left.
(159) Both scans show smooth thickening of interlobular septa involving both lungs symmetrically.
(160) We can see the early signs of ear development Start with the thickening of the outer layer of the embryo[], this layer is called the ectoderm.
(161) The viscosity properties of food thickening agent propylene glycol alginate (PGA) are studied.
(162) But the real worry is the thickening morass of indirect debt.
(163) A fine but irregular reticular pattern is present in the lung periphery, representing intralobular interstitial thickening.
(164) Conclusion Intrapleural urokinase not only reduces pleural adhesion, loculation and thickening of the pleura, but also improves lung function.
(165) Hotmelts is a viscoelastic resin and thickening and regulators with material modification.
(166) The test results show that the application of flocculant and deep-cone thickener can effectively improve the thickening underflow concentration of Meishan tailings and throughput.
(167) Paraquat poisoning can cause renal tubular necrosis, the central lobular liver cell damage, necrosis, myocarditis , pulmonary artery thickening middle, the adrenal cortex,( such as necrosis.
(168) The results showed that the shear thickening phenomena could appear when the cross-linked polymer coils with sufficient concentrations formed in the cross-linked system.
(169) A thickening or hardening of a body part, as of an artery, especially from excessive formation of fibrous interstitial tissue.
(170) Conclusions The thickening lesser omental bursa and abnormal echo indicate the abnormal of pancreas ( 86.20% ) and peritoneal lesion.
(171) TI : Trachomatous Inflammation—Intense. Pronounced inflammatory thickening of the tarsal conjunctiva that obscures more than half the normal deep tarsal vessels.
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