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Theater in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: arenabattlefieldhallplayhousestadiumSimilar words: sweaterwheatcheatin the heat ofcreatethreatenrepeatedlyheadquartersMeaning: ['θɪətə(r)]  n. 1. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented 2. the art of writing and producing plays 3. a region in which active military operations are in progress. 
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(151) The Plaza Theater is showing a classic science fiction double feature.
(152) In addition, $ 10 standing-room tickets are sold at the theater one hour before each performance.
(153) A traditional cabaret lounge and a Broadway-style theater seat about 500 passengers for elaborate revues and celebrity showcases.
(154) Those speakers direct sound to the front and back of the room, duplicating the spacious effect of a movie theater.
(155) Clark Center was born through the kind of lucky accident on which the theater thrives.
(156) Movie theater chains are expanding rapidly, and even small local theaters are getting in on the act.
(157) That still despair pervades the movie and the movie theater.
(158) Under Lloyd Richards' carefully modulated direction, these lives fill the theater with their music.
(159) As interested in art as Margarett was in theater, she drew and painted a little herself.
(160) Flanner, eight years older, took her in hand, guided her to theater, concerts, and exhibitions.
(161) When completed, the theater would stretch out even to where the barber shop was located.
(162) The assassin had planned to shoot Park in the lobby of the theater, but failed to get an unobstructed view.
(163) We allow ourselves to let our minds go when we watch cartoons or puppetry or even the theater.
(164) Practically all moralizing is absent from this play as it is from Romantic theater.
(165) Theater is bound to lose if it enters that competition.
(166) Trainers at the Wildlife Theater entertain and educate visitors about the animals(, and share some of their training methods.
(167) From time to time Sendak has also authorized more modest theater productions.
(168) In late April 1967, plans were begun to incorporate the company as the not-for-profit Dance Theater Foundation.
(169) The play went into rehearsal in mid-November for an opening on 171 Broadway on December 18 at the Booth Theater.
(170) Area jazz clubs and coffeehouses offer live music while visitors can catch a movie at one of two main theater complexes.
(171) The coach had drawn to a halt outside the Theater an der Wien.
(172) But the best part of that involvement is having learned that theater is real!
(173) And then I saw it at a dinner theater with uh my sister and Peter.
(174) The Auri is home theater seemingly gone mad, promising a full surround-sound experience through an ordinary pair of headphones.
(175) Towards the front of the theater is a married middle-aged couple.
(176) The Fat Underground then planned several guerrilla theater actions against the diet industry.
(177) In the lobby there's a display of photos of the theater from its early days.
(178) Friends from the theater criticized him for prostituting his talent in movies.
(179) In time,( one hopes and trusts that Gilmore will wave his magic wand and refurbish the theater to its former glory.
(180) I know of a drive-in theater that opened for business one evening in 1981, and not a single car turned up!
More similar words: sweaterwheatcheatin the heat ofcreatethreatenrepeatedlyheadquarterswaterlaterby watermaterialhold wateralma materinveterateboiling watersooner or laterbuilding materialseatneathealheadhearcome atdeathleathergreatfeathereat upcheap
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