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Tee in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+1Posted:2017-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: teemteensteelteenssteersteepcanteenesteemMeaning: [tɪː]  n. 1. the starting place for each hole on a golf course 2. support holding a football on end and above the ground preparatory to the kickoff 3. a short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball off the ground. v. 1. place on a tee 2. connect with a tee. 
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31. Reunion Tower, a downtown landmark, looks like a giant, electric golf ball on 50-story tee.
32. Teravainen belonged to the brute force school; off the tee, he was as long as anybody.
33. His one-iron from the tee seemed the safe option, but the ball trickled into the front bunker.
34. Saturday morning, we arrive at the golf course a bit later than we should for our 7: 30 tee time.
35. A new service for golfers on the Algarve coast aims to take the hassle out of booking tee times on holiday courses.
36. Stadler grabbed it, took a few practice putts and headed for the first tee.
37. He realized his blunder about eight minutes before his scheduled 7: 36 a. m. tee time.
38. The golf tee system is the exact opposite of the pyramid system with its massive support operation.
39. Three hundred and twenty-eight yards from the tee the Suez Canal cuts a deep channel across the course.
40. Tiger Woods is the elephant standing at the first tee,( and it's pretty hard to ignore him.
41. To reach the sixteenth green from the championship tee required a full driver over a lake of 230 yards.
42. As they moved towards the next tee she nodded towards her niece.
43. Finally, in August(, it became possible to tee off and stay over -- in rooms starting at $ 275.
44. The thing that did surprise me was to see Watson push that last tee shot into the trees.
45. Hitting the ball low and passably straight off the tee is vital, then comes the difficult bit!
46. Woosnam was instantly plunged into the blackest of moods and after hitting his tee shot he marched off muttering.
47. By eight o'clock, when the first pair was due to tee off, the sun was well up in a clear sky.
48. When I saw Neil heading off the first tee, bag on shoulder, I was relieved.
49. As he stood on the first tee at New Orleans last week, he noticed a boy in a wheelchair.
50. The good tee shot was played to the far right of the fairway to set up a second shot to the left.
51. Ballesteros, still two up, deep in trees left off the tee.
52. I bought some lucky white heather and a silver horseshoe from a little girl in jeans and a grubby tee shirt.
53. The howls of laughter from the first tee told me my heroes were about to start their round.
54. His tee shot lacked the necessary left-to-right spin and finished in one of the two fairway bunkers.
55. As I stood on the tee, I felt a terrific calm, but a controlled excitement, too.
56. Bryan Thomson's match was already at the first tee when Patrick strolled up with the bag of clubs over his shoulder.
57. He hit a low, snap duck-hook off the tee, which I have very seldom ever seen him do.
58. Severiano Ballesteros was disqualified for late arrival on the 1st tee.
59. Tillman compressed his lips and, with a butter knife, dug at a smudge of paste stuck to his tee shirt.
60. He hooked badly off the second tee, was unplayable and took six.
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