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Tapping in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+6Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lappingsnappingslappingtrappingkidnappinghappinessunhappinesssoppingMeaning: [tæp]  n. the sound of light blow or knock. 
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91. Not the tapping baton of Conductor Richard Armstrong-although his powers over an able orchestra become evident soon enough.
92. She stands there tapping that thermometer against her wrist watch, eyes whirring while she tries to gauge this new man.
93. Tapping into that courage demands more than intellectual commitment and tough decision making.
94. They worked on the farm, tapping rubber trees.
95. Multiple spindle tapping unit produces high efficiency operation.
96. Someone is tapping on the door.
97. Automatic feeding, tapping, cutting, reject production quantity count.
98. He is tapping the cask of cider.
99. Slight tapping with a mallet may be required.
100. Suddenly I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder.
101. T & amp ; P relief valve opening - comes standard with special tapping on side of tank.
102. Point - to - point systems are suitable for hole - machining operations such as drilling, countersinking, counterboring , reaming , Boring, and tapping.
103. The invention relates to a thread rolling machine device capable of automatically tapping two groups of bolts synchronously.
104. Experiments were made on the adaptability of the fast-growing and high-yielding clone of Hevea Brasiliensis var. SCATC 7-33-97 at young stage to lower frequency tapping system with stimulants.
105. Rattled, they use more filler words, causing more bell ringing and glass tapping, causing still more filler words.
106. Repair of the cyclodialysis cleft combined with vitrectomy was performed on all patients, and also cataract removal, iris root suture,[] retina re-attachment and sclera tapping were performed.
107. Like Marty Hollander turning Microsoft's ( MSFT) "I'm a PC" campaign into a viral success for Windows 7 by tapping ordinary consumers.
108. For his real intention lies in carving out a new logical relation and tapping the new objects of study, instead of caring about what form the variable is.
109. Tapping drilling tools: gas drilling, Eucampia pneumatic drill, pneumatic tapping machine, chamfering machine.
110. The results suggest that the corrosion of refractory decreases with CaO/SiO 2 ratio of slag increasing and tapping temperature dropping.
111. Media Player UI now provides feedback when tapping control buttons in video playback.
112. Insert a self - tapping screw into the drilled pin and carefully pull the pin from the camshaft.
113. The fbi was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy.
114. Wiretapping is not new; people have actually been tapping communications a lot longer than people might have thought.
115. Many musicians keep time by tapping their feet on the ground.
116. At red lights, I'd notice his foot tapping in time.
117. Replacing an axe handle requires tapping the new handle into the blade and applying small wooden or metal wedges to hold the axe together.
118. The guitar also has an important function, using techniques like strumming (rasgueado) or tapping the soundboard.
119. At last the thesis studies three tapping mode the economy strip of the speedway.
120. Tap your glass: Tapping your drinking glass with a knife or fork makes the bridegroom kiss.
More similar words: lappingsnappingslappingtrappingkidnappinghappinessunhappinesssoppingwhoppingdippingrippingflippingchoppingequippingshopping bagworshippingshopping cartshopping basketeavesdroppingdouble croppingat a pinchtappedhappilyunhappilypineapplecopingtypingcarpinggaspingsloping
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