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Swagger in a sentence

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Sentence count:55+1Posted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: paradestrutSimilar words: daggerstaggerstaggeredstaggeringexaggerateexaggeratedexaggerationswagMeaning: ['swægə(r)]  n. 1. an itinerant Australian laborer who carries his personal belongings in a bundle as he travels around in search of work 2. a proud stiff pompous gait. v. 1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others 2. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate 3. act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner. adj. (British informal) very chic. 
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(31) Commander Rahm arrives, swinging a swagger stick.
(32) There's absolutely no swagger about the man.
(33) His eye was alight, his color coppery, his air swagger, devil - may - care, bacchanal.
(34) Ten years ago China had it all: a well-nourished workforce, vast reserves of paper money, a new swagger on the international stage.
(35) The Lakers have a swagger about them that says they will not go down without a fight this year.
(36) She's going to sing at a swagger affair in the Ulster hall, belfast, on the twentyfifth.
(37) There's nothing showy in his manner, no strut or swagger.
(38) Matthew Marsh, swigging from a whiskey bottle with little finger crooked, subtly suggests the contradictory impulses behind Kelly's bullish swagger.
(39) He didn't affect a swagger stick, but he did sometimes carry an ordinary wooden cane with a steel spike in the end.
(40) He always swagger about his exploits to all of us.
(41) Ants on the locust tree assume a great - nation swagger.
(42) Henchman who swagger around and watch posture, non - ends today Caolu, who Narcissus not tea.
(42) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(43) It's a swagger , a humbleness and a confidence wrapped into a single gaze.
(44) The kid needed that big city swagger to survive on mean streets but doesn't just lose it if he moves to a mild-mannered town.
(45) Let my nephew and Goldthred swagger about their wager as they list.
(46) There is the same swagger and boastfulness running through the whole of the speeches.
(47) The story tells us that there is always someone who tries to swagger about in borrowed plumes .
(48) Chuang tzu would rather do free in the bog turtle hideko notani opened deco, and not be bound to do the head of swagger winged steed.
(49) The cookie - cutter two - and three - button suits are great for everyday wear, but there is no comparison to the swagger of a double-breasted suit.
(50) Theritos may be a braggart, but he backs up his swagger with his fierce fighting skills.
(51) She's going to sing at a swagger affair in the Ulster hall, Belfast, on the twentyfifth.
(52) Rimmersman, Hernystiri, Warinstenner or Perdruinese , their swagger and bright garb caught Simon's jackdaw fancy.
(53) Women find happy men significantly less sexually attractive than those who swagger or brood, researchers said today.
(54) His elocution had come from the little duchess, and his dancing swagger from this Smilin' Jack of the West Bronx.
(55) As Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger, you must clear your name after being accused of an assassination attempt on the President.
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