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Surgeon in a sentence

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Sentence count:155+13Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: physicianSimilar words: surgeryurgein charge ofgeologycourageousat the age ofcome onlie onMeaning: ['sɜrdʒən /'sɜː-]  n. a physician who specializes in surgery. 
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91. I know of not a single surgeon who ever expressed any regret over these women or apologized to one of them.
92. The police surgeon is often a close colleague in general practice.
93. Once here he will have an operation to repair a cleft palate by plastic surgeon Charles Viva.
94. Working with you, in confidence, the surgeon can show you what improvements could be made.
95. Carrying out the precision drilling in a delicate hip replacement operation is the world's first robotic surgeon.
96. The following year the surgeon arranged an x ray of her lumbar spine and a barium meal, which were normal.
97. The surgeon apparently did not listen to his patient or respect her bodily integrity.
98. Leaving school at the age of 14 to study medicine, he was apprenticed to a surgeon in Worcester.
99. It does not replace your comprehensive consultation with a caring and highly experienced surgeon.
100. The bullet had pierced the bone, leaving behind fragments which the surgeon was unable to remove.
101. I have heard the evidence of the surgeon, who is in charge of this patient at the hospital.
102. Mr Hallam was seen by a surgeon who found that his lower jaw was broken and he had damaged teeth.
103. Although the child is still alive[], at the last minute the surgeon refuses to operate.
104. An orthopedic surgeon who asked not to be identified said he also hears increased patient complaints about waiting for bedpans or medications.
105. The surgeon is isolated by his deed, his unnatural callousness lit by a cold clinical glare.
106. This annoyed the surgeon, who began to cut before the local or the sedative had taken effect.
107. Surgeon General's warning: cigarette smoking causes cancer.
108. Carlton Armstrong , a surgeon , specializing in neurosurgery.
109. David's dad, an orthopedic surgeon, oddly subdued.Sentencedict
110. Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor.
111. No one wants to see a facial plastic surgeon.
112. The young doctor house surgeon at the local hospital.
113. The surgeon had to refracture her wrist.
114. A surgeon can remove as much of the brain tumor as is safe and prescribe chemo- and radiation therapy, but the cancer will grow back.
115. Surgery Simulation System can be used to train surgeon to adapt for new operational methods, and also it can be used to preview the process of operation so as to discover some unpredicted problem.
116. But this reference was so satisfactory that none other was needed, and Miss Lucy Graham was received by the surgeon as the instructress of his daughters.
117. Only 38.9% of facilities had a surgeon and only 16.7% had a physician anaesthetist.
118. Yue Chunhe , born in 1971, former surgeon of Beijing Tong Ren Hospital.
119. The arrangement you make with a plastic surgeon should be deemed as a contract.
120. A young surgeon took the noteworthy operation and became noted ever since.
More similar words: surgeryurgein charge ofgeologycourageousat the age ofcome onlie onlargetargethave onsomeonelive onmove onride ontake onemergeagree onsmile onbecome onetake advantage ofat largelargelysuredecide onforget aboutby and largeemergencyassurefor sure
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