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Sunshine in a sentence

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Sentence count:266+28Posted:2017-03-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cheercheerfulnessfair weathersunsunlightsunninesstemperatenessSimilar words: shinesunsetinternshipcitizenshipworkmanshipchampionshiprelationshippartisanshipMeaning: n. 1. the rays of the sun 2. moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities 3. the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom. 
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181 The Olympic Gold medallist threw 9.99 metres from his wheelchair at the Sunshine games in Florida.
182 When I left the Trowbridge house, I stood still, blinking in the brilliant sunshine.
183 He blinked as he walked out into the bright sunshine.
184 What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along the life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. Joseph Addison 
185 The early minutes provided some encouragement as Newcastle's play suggested the sunshine break had done them good.
186 It is dark in there after the bright sunshine and snow outside.
187 Our cruising grounds afford an almost constant sailing breeze and long hours of clear sunshine throughout the summer months.
188 The sunshine brought out our predatory escort of dorados, and they seemed larger and fiercer than any we had encountered before.Sentence dictionary
189 You will never think you can survive, when suddenly you are back out in the bright sunshine, racing forward.
190 A better day today, Miss Lavant wrote in her diary, quite a bit of sunshine.
191 And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.
192 There is a carpet of sunshine on the floor and blue sky filling the windows.
193 The streets are clean, there's no smog to dull the sunshine, and the skyscrapers don't overpower.
194 The warm sunshine of autumn shone on the fields, and on the trees the leaves were red and gold.
195 Wentworth basked in sunshine, the fairways rolled before them, inviting and velvety.
196 Our main goal is to bring a little sunshine in to the lives of all disabled people.
197 Below her window the courtyard was in deep shadow, but to her left the garden was bathed in new-minted sunshine.
198 The Markt was bathed in spring sunshine, and everywhere looked so clean and pristine as befitted the fine morning.
199 We learned that automobile drivers kept their lights on even during the smoggy sunshine, while their eyes burned from acidic fumes.
200 Under silver roofs and filigree balconies, gleaming in the freezing sunshine, thoughtful locals swap memories and theories.
201 As we spoke it was bathed in warm afternoon sunshine.
202 By the time of the start, the early morning rain and fog had given way to warm bright sunshine.
203 Sunshine 855 began broadcasting from a farmer's barn in the late seventies.
204 Ashley gazed out of the car window at the countryside which was bathed in September sunshine.
205 With a final burst of furious rain, the sky cleared and I dragged my bag along the road in blinding sunshine.
206 Monthly sunshine figures often show a close correlation with rainfall and this held true for January 1993.
207 No ray of sunshine is ever lost but the green that it awakens takes time to sprout, and it is not always given the sower to see the harvest. Albert Schweitzer 
208 They are the rays of sunshine burning through the haze of an Olympics snarled by glitches and shattered by a bomb.
209 There was a bunch of winter aconites on the table, and stripes of sunshine on the floor alternated with deep darkness.
210 I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights. Terri Guillemets 
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