Similar words: monitoring, historic, historian, historical, historicity, prehistoric, historically, factor in.
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211, New storing device fits at the end of the keyboard cable connecting to the PC specialized to save all typed keys in it?
212, In addition it offers new facilities for storing genetic variability.
213, Before picking up or storing boxes clients should preengage ahead of more than one work day.
214, The process includes : mixturing, sterilizing, fermenting, adding fresh Hami melon juice and storing at low temperature.
215, Once cans are clean, let them air-dry for at least one hour before opening or storing them.
216, For example, a multi-state memory element capable of storing data in four states may need to perform verify operations for three compare points.
217, The seminal vesicle functions as a gland, secreting and storing the viscid component of the seminal fluid.
218, Senator Obama opposes both storing and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
219, Overflow and underflow are averted by storing received data in a FIFO at different addresses using a receive address pointer incremented at a receive clock rate.
220, The injecting - producing well completion of gas - storing reservoir must meet the safety and the designed injection - production requirement.
221, Photograph by Michael NicholsTigers, like this female in India's Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting.
222, Part of the problem is inefficient ways of storing and inventorying molds.
223, By storing the comparator in the container object(, we are assured that every operation that compares elements will do so consistently .
224, Doable measures on remanufacturing about storing liquid petroleum gas were put forward.
225, Because the web service does the work of retrieving the stock ticker data and storing it in a simple data structure, I only needed to convert that data to RDF.
226, Unfortunately this method, which involves reading the entire file and storing it in a tree structure, can be inefficient, slow, and a strain on resources.
227, This bus provides clean , concise signals for fetching and storing information.
228, The Windows Azure Traffic Manager is similar to the CDN, but rather than storing content, it hosts the entire application in multiple locations for better availability worldwide.
229, The process is: material, preprocess , extraction, alcohol sediment, watering, cool storing , confection, filter, pouring package, packaging.
230, A package assembly or kit can be used in conjunction with storing and dispensing adhesive materials.
231, Thereafter, when the packet call establishment response signal is received, the packet data storing part (12) reads the packet data from the memory and deletes it therefrom.
232, The second memory block is used for storing other non highest significant digit of the pixel data.
233, The seminal vesicle functions as a gland, secreting and storing thecomponent of the seminal fluid.
234, Body tissue is made up of groups of cells that perform a specific job, such as protecting the body against infection, producing movement or storing fat.
235, Fetching each instruction involves a certain latency that can be avoided by prefetching instructions and storing them for later execution.
236, "Warehouse receipt" means a receipt issued by a person engaged in the business of storing goods for hire.
237, An organic compound, C4H10N3O5P, found in muscle tissue and capable of storing and providing energy for muscular contraction.
238, This paper makes the emphases on introducing the changing status with the storing time of the changing status with the storing time of the percentage of cephalothin during the course of storing.
239, Steel bracket tray, storing cage, material box, climb frame , small handcart , steel buttress piling etc.
240, The image data from all cameras are transmitted to PC through USB2.0 bus in synchronous transmission mode for storing.
More similar words: monitoring, historic, historian, historical, historicity, prehistoric, historically, factor in, unhistorical, prehistorical, historiography, editor in chief, historical method, sensorineural hearing loss, historical context, snoring, boring, coring, mooring, scoring, adoring, laboring, vaporing, moorings, coloring, savoring, boringly, exploring, adoringly, mirroring.