Similar words: monitoring, historic, historian, historical, historicity, prehistoric, historically, factor in.
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181, The storing of data in relation to certain machine - dependent boundaries.
182, The invention provides a computer readable storage medium storing a program for performing an operation method of a substrate processing apparatus.
183, So it is important to detect subclinical mastitis milk for dairy processing, storing, and selling.
184, The cooked rice starch from Heilongjiang province was debranched with pullulanase followed by cooling and storing; thus a kind of starch containing slowly digestible starch over 50% was prepared.
185, The plastic container, the enamelware and the time of storing disinfectant had no effect on the concentration of disinfectant.
186, Its color was observed by naked eye and bacterial contamination of the medical articles packed by it was examined after autoclaving and storing.
187, Storing and preparing all different kinds of foodstuffs and cooking down milk and making ghee.
188, The invention relates to a cooler having a defrosting heater and an object storing device.
189, The perisperm of the seed is the main structure for storing nutritive materials.
190, During transmitting and storing information of digital image, in order to decrease the time of transmission and the space of storage, image compression procedure must to be done.
191, The memory unit is an essential component in any digit computer since it is needed for storing the programs that are executed by the CPU.
192, The utility model discloses a flue gas purifier for the vortex boiler, comprising a flue gas passage, a separation chamber, a vortex chamber, a liquid storing tank, etc.
193, The idea of the design matches the machining part program input between PTR and MDI by sharing one part program memory and storing part program segment in fixed format.
193, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
194, The utility model is characterized in that a sewer line is provided with a water catching and storing tank which is provided with a water outlet and an overflow opening.
195, This paper mainly studied the quality variation of China Toona such as Nitrous salt, Vitamin C, Total sugar, Chlorophyl, Protein during the process of sousing and storing.
196, The cost of storing or transmitting a kilobyte of data really is now too cheap to meter.
197, The present application discloses a single cell non-volatile semiconductor memory device for storing two-bits of information.
198, The ' Outbox ' folder is special; it is only for storing messages to be sent later.
199, The direction of magnetisation will change in core a only, thus storing a binary digit.
200, This paper puts up that affecting experiment opposing water driving oil impact of storing floor horizontal heterogeneity character by means of savageness rock core in series combination.
201, After storing the form-design knowledge into knowledge base system, forms can be designed automatically.
202, The volume control circuit is composed of a programming switch and a computer storing magnifying executive circuit, and can realize the automatic alarming volume control.
203, After enabling a database for text, you can create text indexes on columns storing textual data in various formats, such as XML.
204, Turn off any features you are not in fact using. If you are storing fields but not using them at query time, don't store them.
205, These racks offer complete protection for all your delicate and valuable stemware and tumblers from washing and handling to stacking, storing and transporting.
206, Memory-storing approach for storing one character in each addressable locatio. n.
207, In March a senior agriculturalist, Yuan Longping[], accused officials in some areas of exaggerating the size of grain reserves in order to get more subsidies for storing them.
208, Nanotubes would serve as individually addressable electromechanical switches arrayed across the surface of a microchip, storing hundreds of gigabits of information, maybe even a terabit.
209, Causes include accidental exposure to light or X-rays, overdevelopment , using outdated film, and storing film in a hot, humid place.
210, A method for storing natural gas with pentane from natural gas condensate as solvent was proposed in this papaer.
More similar words: monitoring, historic, historian, historical, historicity, prehistoric, historically, factor in, unhistorical, prehistorical, historiography, editor in chief, historical method, sensorineural hearing loss, historical context, snoring, boring, coring, mooring, scoring, adoring, laboring, vaporing, moorings, coloring, savoring, boringly, exploring, adoringly, mirroring.