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Storing in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+6Posted:2017-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: monitoringhistorichistorianhistoricalhistoricityprehistorichistoricallyfactor in
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31, The command module also had provision for storing an emergency water supply added.
32, They also requisitioned rice, storing it for their troops in case of Allied landings.
33, A good solution is to harvest the crop early in September, storing the tubers out of harms way.
34, The front porch which has various door openings gives excellent room for cooking and storing the rest of your gear.
35, Storing in greenhouses with a high humidity very quickly diminishes their viability.
36, Such systems have greatly improved the scanning and storing of original documents.
37, Other countries avoided the unpleasant side effects of reprocessing by storing the used fuel in dry stores.
38, Advanced Expert Systems Conventional computing has improved efficiency by storing and manipulating data and information faster and more accurately than people.
39, Its courthouse has never seen a trial, and the prison is used for storing three life jackets.
40, Before you continue to create the links, you must save your file into the directory that will be permanently storing it.
41, Given the technology of the day, Bush foresaw Memex storing information on microfilm kept in a special desk.
42, L.P.E has many database functions for storing commonly used addresses and can automatically print a return address on each envelope if required.
43, During 1978 it became apparent that the existing methods of storing and handling personnel information were inadequate and in need of urgent review.
44, Look across the field and you can appreciate why space for storing vintage agricultural machinery on the farm has finally run out.
45, So far, the computer has proved very efficient at storing, manipulating and processing information.
46, They set him to running errands, storing and fetching account books, making sure the inkwells were filled.
47, It monitors new developments in brewing and reports on such matters as ingredients and methods of storing beer.
48, Following earlier reductions in the staff the offices in our basement were unoccupied, but used for storing old files.
49, It would fly around in the atmosphere for a few hours, storing away oxygen in liquid form.
50, The front of the temporal lobe is thought to be involved with storing biographical information and proper names.
51, Storing the furniture and the bits and pieces we didn't need immediately was a bit more difficult.
52, I had to gather kindling too, for storing in a dry place.
53, Women do most of the crop farming, weeding, harvesting, threshing, storing crops and selling.
54, Rafiq says that storing hashish inside the skin of a freshly-slaughtered sheep is the only way to keep it from going stale.
55, The drive might be put to better use doing data-only backups or for storing large graphics files.
56, Opposite: The butler's pantry,( with plenty of room for storing the glass and five best china services.
57, A side benefit is that storing documents by date and time provides context.
58, All storing is performed in the base port once a week with most meats being proportioned.
59, The high-mass room has the following volumes of material available for storing heat.
60, The Secretary was also responsible for collecting and storing the vast and increasing mass of information required by sixteenth-century governments.
More similar words: monitoringhistorichistorianhistoricalhistoricityprehistorichistoricallyfactor inunhistoricalprehistoricalhistoriographyeditor in chiefhistorical methodsensorineural hearing losshistorical contextsnoringboringcoringmooringscoringadoringlaboringvaporingmooringscoloringsavoringboringlyexploringadoringlymirroring
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