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151. No one at Safeway Stores, the other major grocery chain in the Washington-Baltimore area, was available for comment.
152. This bed will contain abundant stores of water and plant nutrients readily available at all times.
153. Vintage automobiles, horsedrawn street cars and traditional marching bands pass alongside quaint old stores and cafes where ragtime music is played.
154. Stamps are now commonly sold at grocery stores and all Wells Fargo ATMs.
155. It has a kind of cassette tape that stores the data from your hard drive.
156. Fine fragrances at low prices were launched in all stores for Christmas.
157. The company operates retail stores that sell furniture, bedding, appliances and consumer electronics.
158. Then he filed a lawsuit against Stores Protective Association and Robinsons-May, where the shoplifter was apprehended by security guards.
159. Wedgwood plate from good china shops and department stores; bread and butter plate, £19.95; oval platter, £28.95.
160. Miller said stores typically are offered free register tape by private vendors who sell advertising space on the back of the tape.
161. The Iomega Jaz drive stores a gigabyte of information on each cartridge and operates as fast as an internal hard drive.
162. But the stores group, Kingfisher shone out like a beacon in the dull market.
163. By day, a long street in the Nipponbashi area is lined with cut-price electronics stores.
164. He began his retailing career in 1964 when he founded Habitat, a chain of stores selling well-designed modern furniture and furnishings.
165. We achieved our aim of opening ten new stores within the year.
166. John hopes to make there considerable additions to his stores.
167. The Hair Sets range cost from chemists, supermarkets and stores around the country.
168. The interiors of these stores had crude floors, bare ceilings, glaring lights, gaudy signs, and merchandise piled everywhere.
169. The boom has been fuelled by accelerated demand for consumer products with even small grocery stores receiving up to 12 deliveries every day.
170. All three stores looked lighter and brighter after the dark blues and browns of their old decor gave way to pastel colours.
171. Hall has said Kmart will focus on improving the look of its stores, customer service and the efficiency of its operations.
172. This format uses an electronic camera that stores up to 50 still images on a tiny floppy disk.sentencedict.com
173. My sister used to steal things from stores, but I would never dare.
174. Stores were distributed in pony treks that carried not only ammunition and food but also mail and the force's own newspaper.
175. Few can afford either the calories or the cost of frequent trips to these gourmet candy stores.
176. The workforce in distribution began to decline with increased concentration in retailing, rationalisation and the development of larger stores.
177. Now she collects and builds up her stores all year round.
178. Our field stores have been complaining about the lack of responsiveness from the staff.
179. Independent grocery stores have used Nordstrom-style personal service for years to maintain loyal customer bases.
180. With Bertelsmann involved, it is not surprising that book clubs as well as electronics and book stores are being targeted as distribution channels.
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