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Sterling in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+9Posted:2017-04-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: greateststerlingsuperlativeSimilar words: pound sterlingausterlitzsilver liningberlin airliftunderlineborderlineorderlinessafterlifeMeaning: ['stɜrlɪŋ /'stɜːl-]  n. British money; especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK. adj. highest in quality. 
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181. My high school consisted of 5 towns : Paxton ( Wachusett ), Rutland , Holden, Sterling and Princeton.
182. Would you please tell me the exchange rate pound sterling into RMB?
183. She's the soul and the center of everything in Atlanta that's sterling.
184. An oval cabochon of translucent golden honey amber accents this graceful swan pendant, crafted in bright sterling silver.
185. Sometimes the pound sterling be also used as the currency of account.
186. The dollar weakened against the euro and sterling ahead of the jobs data and commodity futures, which are priced in dollars, advanced.
187. Necklace in black onyx with sterling silver toggle. 16 " long. "
188. Contemporary sterling silver stiletto earrings with links forged to represent connection.
189. Sterling has recently been strong, which will help to abate inflationary pressures.
190. In the early hours of 13 April, undergraduate students working at Yale University's Sterling Chemistry Laboratory made a shocking discovery.
191. The 77-year-old hedge-fund supremo and slayer of sterling has nothing to prove financially (he is worth upwards of $8 billion).
192. Inflation has been modest, and sterling, the Achilles heel of governments from Clement Attlee's to John Major's, is if anything too strong for Britain's good.
193. The payment will is make in pound sterling or us dollar as the case may is.
194. Sterling rose 0.7 percent at $1.6689, and the dollar fell sharply against the Mexican peso and the Brazilian real.
195. Made from sterling silver, this pendant features a ringed cross with fleur tips.
196. Can I have it partly in RMB and partly in pound sterling?
197. He also believes a sterling crisis cannot be ruled out, which would be supportive for these mega caps as companies with a lot of overseas earnings would do better.
198. In England,[] the pound sterling debts of foreigners are canceled against their sterling credits.
199. Why is the British currency unit called "the pound sterling?"
200. the value of sterling.
201. Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques.
202. Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management who made a fortune during the 1992 sterling crisis, said the most important task was to "erect safeguards against contagion from a possible Greek default.
203. Mary and Reg had done a sterling job with some help from their Tom-Tom.
204. Dollar rose sharply against the pound sterling exchange rate, reducing the attractiveness of gold investment.
205. Do you remember if someone gave you a sterling silver picture frame as a gift?
206. U. S. dollar 42 %. German Mark 19 %, Japanese yen, French franc, UK pound sterling 13 % each.
207. In 2000, Sterling released the Viridian Manifesto, which he has described as an attempt to use design "to end our substance-abuse problem with fossil fuels.
207. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
208. We are a company specializing in the production and wholesale 925 sterling silver jewelry manufacturers.
209. It also struck eight - year lows against sterling and the Swiss franc.
210. Sterling took a battering as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy.
More similar words: pound sterlingausterlitzsilver liningberlin airliftunderlineborderlineorderlinessafterlifedarlingcurlingswirlingyearlingpesteringblisteringclusteringunderlieboiling wateradministeringyesterday morningairlinesurlinessbitterlyinterloperinterlockinterludecover lettermudslinginglingeringsinking feelingclinging
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