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Starred in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+3Posted:2017-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tarredbarredmarredcharredscarredstarrystarringstarry-eyedMeaning: [stɑrd /stɑːd]  adj. marked with an asterisk. 
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91. The film co - starred Robert Redford ( and Paul Newman ).
92. Travis starred on stage opposite Al Jolson in 1926, the song Singin' in the Rain was written for her to sing in 1929 and she starred in a string of Hollywood movies in the 1920s.
93. At the age of eighty-five she starred in a film called "Sextette." Not surprisingly,( Mae West played a sexy woman that men could not resist.
94. Five - Starred Red Flag flying over in Beijing, the magnificent national anthem uninhibited agitation.
95. Orson Welles was a mere 26 when he wrote, produced, directed, and starred in Citizen Kane.
96. Maurice, the film of EM Forster's tale of blighted love, starred a 27-year-old Hugh Grant opposite James Wilby as Edwardian schoolfriends who fall in love while at Cambridge.
97. Best known as a television star, Harry Anderson created and presented his con man persona in comedy and nightclubs and starred in his own television specials.
98. Ask us about oxbow lakes, Pythagoras's theorem or which Lethal Weapon starred Patsy Kensit's breasts and we can tell you in a flash.
99. Julie Andrews starred in the 1965 film version of the Rogers and Hammerstein classic set.
100. And at the age of 88, he 6)starred in his first ballet production—performing as the woodcutter in 7)Prokofiev's The Stone Flower.
101. She starred as Miss Congeniality in 2000(, and was next seen in the 2002 thriller Murder By Numbers.
102. "The novelist's subtle mastery enriches the work...A matter-of-fact, plainspoken narrative that has a profound impact. " –Kirkus, starred review.
103. Previous libido lovers who starred in the ads included porn actresses Jenna Jameson, Ron Jeremy and Sasha Grey and womanisng golf pro Tiger Woods.
104. I took a double first, and a starred first for the finals, but in three years.
105. Spielberg also paid tribute to legendary French film director Francois Truffaut, who died 20 years ago and who had starred in Spielberg's 1977 classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
106. Based on Theodore Dreiser's novel "An American Tragedy," it starred Ms. Taylor as an heiress whose allure is so potent it drives a young striver (Ms.
107. Famed US actor Dennis Hopper, who starred in such cinematic classics as "Easy Rider" and "Apocalypse Now, " during a career spanning more than half a century, is dying of cancer, AP reported.
108. She earned rave reviews for her performance in the telefilm Sharing the Secret, and starred in Mike White's series for Fox, Pasadena.
109. Giuseppe·Verdi is greatest opera master of half page of 19th century in Italy. he created 26 operas in his life, six operas was starred by the baritone.
110. This is a remake of the 1977 movie that starred George Segal and Jane Fonda.
111. In nineteen fifty-seven she returned to film and starred in "A Face in the Crowd" directed by Elia Kazan.
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