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Speeding in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+16Posted:2017-01-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: speedspeed upat full speedspeedometersucceed incedingspendingspeechMeaning: ['spɪːdɪŋ]  n. changing location rapidly. adj. moving with great speed. 
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(151) Speeding away from the village never to return - or parked just around the corner?
(152) Answer: by speeding up the processing of applicants to such an extent that the differences are relatively insignificant.
(153) Soares hemmed a bit, then admitted he had been speeding.
(154) Motorists can be fined on the spot for minor offences, such as speeding.
(155) In a nearby village hall drivers are lectured on the dangers of speeding and forced to watch a graphic video.
(156) Casualty doctors who're at the sharp end see the evidence that speeding is deadly.
(157) A volcano has even been blamed for speeding up the onset of the last Ice Age.
(158) From somewhere she could hear a lecturer droning; maybe it needed speeding up a little.
(159) Changes in the penalties for speeding are aimed at putting fear into the hearts of anyone considering edging over the limit.
(160) Duhon enjoys speeding across the hard-packed sand on his dirt bike, almost challenging the dry lake to best him.
(161) Biotechnology is going to be speeding up the green revolution in agriculture.
(162) I gave the old man a tip, and soon Mrs M. and I were speeding back to Ballina.
(163) Around the corner of the building he saw a figure on a bike speeding away.
(164) So is a speeding up of the process through biotechnology really any different?
(165) Before long we were speeding through the night towards Joyce's Country, County Galway.
(166) Airlines there hire extra employees to ask those security questions, speeding up the process.
(167) He turned on to the highway, speeding away from the city.
(168) His heart hammered in terror as he glimpsed those shaggy, hulking shapes of shadowy grey speeding across the meadows.
(169) It gives them an excuse to use the riot vans - and it beats booking drivers for speeding.
(170) The company announced they're speeding up plans to expand the site.
(171) With that said,( a large number of studies have shown that physical measures are much more effective in reducing speeding.
(172) He spotted a loaded-down Falcon speeding by on the boulevard, windows full of young laughing faces.
(173) How did Cindy talk her way out of getting a speeding ticket?
(174) While the criticisms vary, the underlying assumption is that overall economic growth has been speeding up.
(175) The obvious dawned when a method of speeding the development time was spotted.
(176) As she stood waiting for a taxi a speeding car appeared out of the freezing fog.
(177) Fines for speeding range from $ 57. 60 to $ 360, depending on how much drivers exceed the legal limits.
(178) Mr Foster pleaded for motorists to drive more carefully and called for increased police surveillance to tackle speeding drivers.
(179) It had begun with a strange episode on a speeding subway train.
(180) But one day Gerald, dressed as Geraldine, is caught for speeding.
More similar words: speedspeed upat full speedspeedometersucceed incedingspendingspeechengaged inbe absorbed indingylandinghidingfadingdiningendingfundingreadingtradingabidinglendingpendingweddingleadingincludingholding outboardingscaldingbuildingdemanding
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