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Slipknot in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2018-08-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: topknotdeep knowledgeslipslipsslip onlet slipslipperslip offMeaning: n. a knot at the end of a cord or rope that can slip along the cord or rope around which it is made. 
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1. Also my favorite band is slipknot! I want to go to American university such as duke.
2. A necktie tied in a slipknot with long ends left hanging one in front of the other.
3. Learn how to cast on using a slipknot before you start knitting in this free online instructional video on how to knit.
4. Designers issued to you the simplest interior design plan should include such parts : plans, elevation, false map, the line spaces maps, carpentry slipknot point plan.
5. Ms. Vasquez had no such background. She pursued art and music, drew and played guitar and the drums and adored the heavy metal band Slipknot.
6. Police in the Houston suburb said the boy, Sergio Pelico, tied a slipknot(9) around his neck while on the bed but had not mean to kill himself.
7. Ligate the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium.
8. The anterior descending branches of the left coronary artery was ligated with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium.
More similar words: topknotdeep knowledgeslipslipsslip onlet slipslipperslip offslip inslip byslippyslip-upnonslipslip upslip-onslipupslipwaypayslipslip awaycowsliplandslipslipperyslippageslipperedpink slipslip roadsideslipslipshodslip intoslipping
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