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Simulant in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2018-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: stimulantsimulatesimulatedsimulatorsimulationsimulacrumdissimulatedissimulation
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1. The trainer can provide learners the simulant melting rate of electrode, check up whether the moving rate of electrode and the angle of inclination of electrode are in the ranges set in advance.
2. The experimental and simulant results demonstrate the validity of the system.
3. Compared with simulant earthquake, digital earthquake has improved a lot in dynamic range, resolution ratio, amount of information, system precision and data processing conversion etc.
4. This paper introduces a manual welding simulant trainer which is developed by the writer in order to provide learners of manual welding an auxiliary training.
5. Even though it is just a simulant Earth Core, it is true to life.
6. Based on migration of BHT to simulant food, the accuracy of the method was demonstrated successfully.
7. With simulant experiments, the arithmetic is proved to improve and promote the performance of the system effectively.
8. Compared with the simulant control manner, the digital control manner can adopt much more agile control algorithms to control the feeder system.
9. The infiltration dynamics of simulant liquid under negative pressure was studied by simulation test in accordance with the laws of similitude .
10. Objective To study the absorbent properties of standard paper point in simulant root canal in vitro.
11. Finally, we discuss in detail the simulated results for simulant .
12. The Cargo Oil Handling Simulator for Oil Tankers is a large simulant system developed by us for training the crews on board oil tankers .
13. This test is the contrast and research on A and magnitude with simulant and digital materials of QiongZhong seismal Monitoring station and materials that State Bureau's digital networks feedbacks.
14. Simulant system for training comprise of the transit instrument which has been provided by optical measure equipment without any change and the newly developed simulant sub-system for training.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. The corrosion behaviors of A3 steel in eutrophic water and clean water were studied by locale corrosion specimen and experiments in simulant condition.
16. In a Biological Safety Level 2 lab, scientists grow a batch of Erwinia Herbicola, a plant bacteria that is a simulant of a dangerous pathogen, but which itself is not dangerous.
17. Different method of technology can be chosen because of cost, hardware, bandwidth, simulant condition, etc.
18. It is shown that artificial neural network is effective to study the simulant formability of the sheet metal.
19. This article suggests a research and production of a simulant electric teaching aid in accordance with the physiology process of knee jerk.
20. It is verified by using model hurricane and typical simulant winds used in real predictions.
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