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Self-employed in a sentence

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Sentence count:102+3Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unemployedemployeremployeeemployemploymentunemploymentself-esteemself-effacingMeaning: adj. working for yourself. 
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61. The self-employed businessman brings his son to the Discovery Zone in West Hills almost daily.
62. Homeowners and mortgage payers may borrow without proof of earnings - including self-employed.
63. Class 2 and Class 4 contributions are paid by self-employed persons who are entitled to all contributory benefits except unemployment benefits.
64. This ties health insurance to employment, which impedes labour mobility and is unfair to the self-employed and unemployed.
65. This was most obviously the case for Angela, who was working part-time, and for Jennifer, who was self-employed.
66. Finally, time work took off and she decided to become self-employed.
67. Ferrington is a freelance executive, self-employed as a provider of temporary expertise.
68. Two self-employed fashion models, both in their early 20s, also are charged.
69. The only part-time farmer travelled long distances to his work but was self-employed and could therefore choose his days away.
70. The patient who was self-employed with his own business before his illness may have much greater financial difficulties than the employed worker.
71. Most fashion models are self-employed, and find work through agencies.
72. Outside agriculture the number of self-employed actually grew by 1 million, while falling substantially as a proportion of total employment.
72. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
73. They will be an important emotional support group as you head out into the difficult world of the self-employed.
74. He says that both changes will be a heavy blow for young self-employed workers.
75. Those services include self-employed people providing labour-only, for example, holiday-relief milking.
76. In the brave new world of the self-employed, homes should not be confused with offices.
77. If you elect to become self-employed you will have to let your local inland revenue office know.
78. They explained to her that, yes(, they regarded self-employed people as higher credit risks than employees.
79. Being self-employed is much more risky than being a wage earner.
80. Many also worked as self-employed independent contractors in the specialty trades.
81. In addition, he says, a number of self-employed people and staff on contract work also have difficulty in getting credit.
82. After a few directionless years I have become a self-employed translator in Belgium, where I have a lovely flat and am very happy.
83. Under the new law, like any self-employed person, they will pay 16 percent income tax and make contributions to health and pension programs.
84. Everyone has some weaknesses in some things. These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed person is.
85. For a self-employed person who claims payment on grounds of total incapacity, there is no need to produce an employer letter.
86. Ahead of Biti's lengthy budget speech, a self-employed Harare worker said the inclusive government had stabilized the economy after years of record-breaking inflation.
87. Make sure to register as a self-employed person with the relevant tax authorities and seek their advice if necessary.
88. The amended information on this form will become part of the Application of Participation Form of the Self-employed Person.
89. A self-employed woman sells food at a stall in the doorway of her home, on April 15 in Caimito, Cuba.
90. People who are self-employed should be coded in the category that corresponds to their area of work - e. g. a self-employed computer analyst is coded 7, a person who owns a small business is coded 10.
More similar words: unemployedemployeremployeeemployemploymentunemploymentself-esteemself-effacingself-contemptannoyedoverjoyedploydeploydeploymentselfself-itselfoneselfhimselfby itselfin itselfof itselfselfishby himselfby yourselfselflessself-pityimplodeimploreunselfish
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