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Selectivity in a sentence

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Sentence count:262Posted:2018-04-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reflectivitycollectivityelectronegativityelectrical resistivityselectivesubjectivityeffectivityobjectivityMeaning: [‚sɪlek'tɪvətɪ]  n. the property of being selective. 
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151. After the separation of quartz and calcite by flotation using anionic sodium oleate, cationic ether amine collector was used to float the chlorite, which exhibited a good selectivity.
152. The nitro group at ortho position is reduced dominantly and the selectivity is about 90%.
153. DU 122290 was developed from sultopride and shows improved activity and selectivity. Suggest possible reasons for this.
154. Excellent selectivity was obtained for the separations of polar position isomers. The benzamide substituent group on crown ether makes the stationa...
155. The paper introduces the basic concept of chirality, target specific selectivity and their relationship in radiopharmaceuticals.
156. Etching rates and selectivity were characterized as functions of gas flow ratio, accelerating voltage, and ICP source power, and the etching mechanism was discussed in detail.
157. The main influencing factors on the selectivity of complex reaction are analysed.
158. In the home range , the most important habitat of dens is the reed grassland with the selectivity of 95.45%.
159. The results showed that AED had the advantages of high selectivity, rapid analysis, high precision, good linear response, and low interference on sulfur signals, etc.
160. The said process can synthesize bisphenol compounds with long side chain in high yield and high selectivity.
161. Objective To demonstrate the mechanism of molecularly imprinted polymer of maleic hydrazide(MH) and evaluate the adsorptive specificity and selectivity.
162. The solution type also had significant effect on the selectivity of 1-bromo-hydrocarbon, the no polar solution was favorable for the selectivity.
163. A diffraction selectivity theoretical analysis method of volume gratings with wave front phase encoding is proposed.
164. The reaction rectification technique can solve the conflict between the reactant conversion and the product selectivity.
165. Silylation, P modification and MgO modification can improve p - DEB selectivity greatly.
166. Its binding and selectivity to triadimenol were evaluated by batch adsorption experiments.
167. The present invention, thereby, provides a novel heteropoly acid catalyst having excellent methacrolein conversion rate, methacrylic acid selectivity and yield.
168. The catalyst has high catalytic activity and selectivity for the prodn . of acrylamide from acrylonitrile.
169. It's a well packaged unit that is based on the proven Dry colorimetry detector, which provides stability, sensitivity, selectivity and equimolar sulfur response.
170. Due to the frequency selectivity and high insertion loss of SAW device, the input must be high pulse whose spectrum width can cover the center frequency of SAW tap delay line.
171. Methyl methoxybenzoate and hydrogen are led continuous into fixed bed reactor and reacted at 300-600 deg. c to obtain anisic aldehyde in rather high selectivity.
171. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
172. The effect of various independent variables which affected the selectivity of nonene during the alkylation of benzene and propylene on phosphate catalyst was studied.
173. The protective schemes of traction electric system should be reasonable, normal and accurate, which should satisfy the requirements of quick-break, reliability, selectivity, and sensitivity.
174. Selectivity modification of glycoside by glycosidase is one of the most fascinating topics.
175. In intra-language translation phase, translator's interpretation assumes distinct individuality, and the subjectivity manifests purposefulness , historical faithfulness and selectivity.
176. The boron neutron capture therapy has a promising role in cancer treatment since it can achieve selectivity at the cellular level.
177. Higher productivity and selectivity of propene in dehydrogenation of propane wereachieved with MgO crystal catalyst treated by shock wave.
178. Based on simulation, the conclusion is drawn that computation complexity of the novel algorithm is reduced with favorable performance in frequency selectivity channel.
179. Economic rent orientation and the selectivity of industry policy is not opposite. It is necessary to reasonably configure the selective industry policy and functional industry policy.
180. Concentrated sulphuric acid was developed to etch the banded texture of thermotropic main chain liquid crystalline copolyester B-N, showing excellent selectivity for this nematic texture.
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