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Selectivity in a sentence

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Sentence count:262Posted:2018-04-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reflectivitycollectivityelectronegativityelectrical resistivityselectivesubjectivityeffectivityobjectivityMeaning: [‚sɪlek'tɪvətɪ]  n. the property of being selective. 
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181. The quasi - elliptic function filter with one transmission zero has the better selectivity than the Chebyshev filter.
182. The selectivity of phthalonitrile is a key problem for the ammoxidation of o-xylene. Based on appraising tests, a catalyst ODT-88 of higher selectivity has been found.
183. At the same time, NH4Cl roasting method possesses selectivity to chlorinating Fe so the Fe content in leaching solution is very low. It is advantageous to recover RE in subsequent purification.
184. In comparison with imported catalysts, AB-97 catalyst has the characteristics of long regeneration period, good active stability and selectivity.
185. The Oxenin hydrogenation reaction in low temperature and high hydrogen pressure favors the improvement of the reaction selectivity.
186. It is characterized by good frequency selectivity, low insertion loss and high attenuation of specified frequency.
187. For the determination of polarizable anions, a pulsed amperometric detector has higher selectivity, precision and sensitivity.
188. These catalysts offered not only increased efficiency and turnover rate but also improved regioselectivity and stereo - selectivity.
189. What was the final titer ( product concentration ), yield, enantiomeric excess, selectivity, etc. of the process?
190. The results showed that the GC-MS had the advantages of high selectivity, rapid analysis, high precision, good linear response, and low interference on PAH signals, etc.
191. Chronic stress selectivity damnify hippocampus, and make losing nerve cell so on.
192. OBJECTIVE To synthesize and screen tropane derivatives with cholinergic activity and subtype - selectivity of M 1 receptor.
193. To effectively enhance the contraposition selectivity of chlorinating reaction the p-chlorotoluene was prepared by direct chlorination of toluene and chlorine gas in the presence of zeolite catalyst.
194. Each join reduces the size of the fact table by one-tenth due to selectivity of the table filter on each dimension table.
195. Query selectivity estimation is one of the key issues query processing and optimization.
196. Zirconia shows different selectivity from silica power of high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ).
197. Then ozonic -hydrogen peroxide bleaching were carried out and the results show that the higher of Kappa number, the poor of the delignification selectivity and the lower of brightness rising.
198. In comparison with XJN-14 flotation machine, it gives such merits as high selectivity, large throughput, high solid content in froth, low energy consumption, less space required and low first cost.
199. The p-xylene selectivity of toluene disproportionation reaction on deactivated HZSM-5 increases with the increase of coke content.
200. It is the reason of high selectivity of MTBE that mix C_4 react with methanol to produce .
201. It is shown that the acid strength of catalysts ZSM-5 is so strong that it reduced the selectivity and catalyst's life.
201. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
202. The introduction of Ca 2 + or La 3 + increased the IBH conversion but decreased the MEK selectivity.
203. Especially , thepresence of Sn in TiO _ 2 - SnO 2 - SiO 2 catalyst promotered the selectivity to DPO.
204. Multicarrier systems can be used to combat channel frequency selectivity. Diversity gain can be improved by the application of multiple antennas.
205. The brassylic acid made from oxidation of methyl erucate, its selectivity depends directly on vicinal diol's selectivity.
206. Objective To investigate the selectivity of episodic memory aging and its variability in relation to anxiety.
207. The paper describes that electronic and rotating-vibration energy levels in materials decide spectral selectivity.
208. Continuing mechanistic investigations and efforts to are anticipated to lead to even higher levels of selectivity.
209. The humic acid bonded silica gel has characteristics of larger penetrating capacity, high adsorbance per unit quality and high selectivity when it is used for solid phase abstraction.
210. Under the optimized reaction condition, the conversion of cyclopentene was 60%, the selectivity for cyclopentanol was 95%, and the purity of product was higher than 99%.
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