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Sands in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sandstonesandstormthousandsodds and endsfits and startsby fits and startsat sixes and sevensgoods and servicesMeaning: [sænd]  n. the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean. 
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(31) We continued on to Musselwick Sands, where bathers were enjoying the beach.
(32) Sands looked at him with sadness, less like a stern judge than a kindly doctor.
(33) In addition, large growth faults developed which compartmentalized these sands.
(34) Gran said that once Wickrithe had been all golden sands.
(35) The sands were crowded with these strange bright parrots, accompanied by young gentlemen with unorthodox headgear and unbuttoned waistcoats.
(36) Stan pointed out Cockle Sands, mega-feeding area for many waders.
(37) Except, of course, for the lone and level sands of the wrecked economy, which stretch away in all directions.
(38) The buried trees became coal seams and the mud and sands turned to shale and sandstone.
(39) This may be satisfactory as long as you are content to bury your dead in shallow pits inserted into the desert sands.
(40) If he were to tell the truth it would provoke Newton into the next carriage across the Sands.
(41) The other four found themselves squatting on the sands for weeks(, awaiting orders.
(42) Lisa Sands, 30, is sitting up in bed, beginning to form words and opening her eyes.
(43) We are reassured that summer still exists by a perfect day at Camber Sands.
(44) They emerge An invisible disgorging of the sea's cold Over the man who strolls along the sands.
(45) What is the good of having Rod Hull's Emu in the pulpit if he buries his head in the theological sands.
(46) In front of her the motorway shimmered in the sun like the sands of a desert.
(47) But first he stopped to look in on Grace Sands.
(48) I stormed across the wet barren sands towards the thin line of sea on the distant horizon.
(49) When hunger striker Bobby Sands was buried in May 1981, 50(, 000 people attended his funeral.
(50) Ray Sands, dressed in his pajamas, the shirt of them torn open, was the patient.
(51) The British army was trapped on the sands, awaiting destruction.
(52) Ray Sands walked through the living room and dining room, turning on the lamps.
(53) Waiting for me down on the sands - a great hulking shape, crouching there, darker than darkness.
(54) The walk southwards brings you to Widemouth Bay, a large expanse of golden sands.
(55) Sands will also raise funds for the maternity ward at Darlington Memorial Hospital.
(56) But behind the great stone structures, the land swells and softens in the sands of the Sahara.
(57) The cleared land, a broken and undulating mix of heavy clay and difficult sands, was by no means rich.
(58) Days of uncertain weather, riding out, walking over the sands, in the beechwoods.
(59) As a result the solid rocks are covered by various mixtures of loose clays, sands and boulders - called boulder clay.
(60) It is ten miles of golden sands backed by pinewoods.
More similar words: sandstonesandstormthousandsodds and endsfits and startsby fits and startsat sixes and sevensgoods and servicesby leaps and boundsand sohandsbondsfundsboundsand so onso-and-soamendshands downgrandsonlandslipmindsetgroundshandsomesandlandslidehighlandsweekendsgrandstandand so forthclap hands
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