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Saliency in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: saliencesalientresiliencyrenal insufficiencyalienalienateleniencyalienableMeaning: n. the state of being salient. 
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1, A hierarchical object detection method based on vision saliency was proposed for automatic sensing image interpretation.
2, A hierarchical object detection method based on vision saliency was proposed for automatic remote sensing image interpretation.
3, In this method, a novel saliency model is proposed to distinguish the salient target from background, and the eigenspace model is invoked to adapt target appearance changes.
4, According to the saliency map, the salient regions in an image are detected.
5, Magnetic saturation effect on the saliency is used to distinguish the north magnetic pole from the south.
6, Using arc dynamic as a measurement of contours saliency, one hierarchical contours detection method of high efficiency was proposed.
7, Firstly, most saliency edges are extracted as input for subsequent contour grouping. Secondly, the symmetry measure as higher grouping cues which supervises the low level grouping process.
8, The Accessibility Theory regards Saliency as a major factor influencing the accessibility of discourse entities, which in turn determines the choice of anaphoric expressions.
9, Different features have different contribution to saliency, so a new approach for salient region detection with automatic feature selection and weighting is proposed.
10, First,[] the focus of attention of saliency object was obtained by using the visual attention mechanism.
11, Then synthesized vision saliency image was computed using the compound bias function from these vision saliency images.
12, Nonlinear sampling model is adopted and saliency map is formed based on contrast of neighboring sampling nodes.
13, A bias function for each single feature was defined, and a compound bias function for synthesis of vision saliency image computed by each function was also defined.
14, Secondly, an automatic ROI extraction algorithm, which is based on the saliency of visual attention, is proposed.
15, The intensity of watermark was proportional to the intensity of saliency of the image, which made the watermark be adapted to the original image.
16, A sensorless control strategy for a salient-pole PMSM using saliency tracking at low speed and back EMF at high speed is presented to obtain the rotor speed and position.
17, Experimental results show that the proposed model can analyze the saliency of various regions in the scene effectively.
18, The results of layers were added and the dynamic threshold was used to reach the final saliency regions.
19, This method uses the generator model of constant voltage and the saliency of generator is included.
20, Motivated biologically, this approach simulates the bottom-up human visual selective attention mechanism(, extracts low-level features of the image and constructs the saliency map.
21, For the low resolution original image, each bias function was used to generate a vision saliency image corresponding to a certain feature.
More similar words: saliencesalientresiliencyrenal insufficiencyalienalienateleniencyalienablealienatedresilienceebullienceeffciencyalienationalienatingdeficiencyefficiencyexpediencyunalienableinalienableproficiencysufficiencyinefficiencyapplied scienceresident alieninsufficiencyefficiency wagecentral intelligence agencyself-sufficiencyimmunodeficiencydeficiency disease
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